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Hi all. If anyone is still interested, I finally finished getting that Jackson tele I picked up into tip top shape and got a chance to photograph it.
I am very pleased with how it turned out, and the Tone Zone / Air Norton combination sounds killer. One thing cool to note is the Logo is painted using the same paint as the sparkle silver in the burst.
I replaced all the old corroding mini switches with black ones, put a brand new Schaller on, brand new black toggle switch. Pulled all the old messy wiring (and a ton of old nasty solder.
It plays awesome like a Jackson should. I feel very lucky to have been in the right place at the right time to pick it up.
Oh yeah, extra special props to Dave at Frets on The Net who provided me with the proper fitting Humbucker rings. They are the absolute highest quality rings I have ever encountered. Without him, I would have been up shits creeks, as the ones that were mounted on there were badly painted by the previous owner (and looked awfully silly with all that extra space).
- Rich -
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Hi all. If anyone is still interested, I finally finished getting that Jackson tele I picked up into tip top shape and got a chance to photograph it.
I am very pleased with how it turned out, and the Tone Zone / Air Norton combination sounds killer. One thing cool to note is the Logo is painted using the same paint as the sparkle silver in the burst.
I replaced all the old corroding mini switches with black ones, put a brand new Schaller on, brand new black toggle switch. Pulled all the old messy wiring (and a ton of old nasty solder.
It plays awesome like a Jackson should. I feel very lucky to have been in the right place at the right time to pick it up.
Oh yeah, extra special props to Dave at Frets on The Net who provided me with the proper fitting Humbucker rings. They are the absolute highest quality rings I have ever encountered. Without him, I would have been up shits creeks, as the ones that were mounted on there were badly painted by the previous owner (and looked awfully silly with all that extra space).
- Rich -
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