On mine at least. So, I've overcome the pinch harmonics issue. After discovering "the secret" it's coming along much nicer now.
Well, as of late I have been really working on hammer-on's and pull-offs. It's a definite weak area for me. So, I started out just pulling off R-E-A-L S-L-O-W, and built speed. Anyhoo, there are exactly two spots that I get this quirky "noise" for lack of better description. It occurs at exactly 13th fret C (b-string) and 7th fret F# (b-string again). This occurs when I'm pulling off from exactly two frets above. It does not occur from 3 frets above nor 1 fret above. It doesn't happen from a hammer-on or from directly plucking the string. Anyway, what happens is the sound is sort of "frayed" and not distinct. After much monkeying with it, it appears that somehow the g-string gets vibrating and sort of goofs it all up. If I'm careful to deaden this string the sound typically goes away. This is quite odd, as I swear I am not accidentally touching the string with my fingers. It's almost as if a harmonic is set up and excites the string at these two locations.
Either my guitar is quirky or me. I hope it's just me since I can always fix myself.
BTW I get this running a Tube Screamer through my Line 6 XLII. Anybody else experience this?
Well, as of late I have been really working on hammer-on's and pull-offs. It's a definite weak area for me. So, I started out just pulling off R-E-A-L S-L-O-W, and built speed. Anyhoo, there are exactly two spots that I get this quirky "noise" for lack of better description. It occurs at exactly 13th fret C (b-string) and 7th fret F# (b-string again). This occurs when I'm pulling off from exactly two frets above. It does not occur from 3 frets above nor 1 fret above. It doesn't happen from a hammer-on or from directly plucking the string. Anyway, what happens is the sound is sort of "frayed" and not distinct. After much monkeying with it, it appears that somehow the g-string gets vibrating and sort of goofs it all up. If I'm careful to deaden this string the sound typically goes away. This is quite odd, as I swear I am not accidentally touching the string with my fingers. It's almost as if a harmonic is set up and excites the string at these two locations.
Either my guitar is quirky or me. I hope it's just me since I can always fix myself.
BTW I get this running a Tube Screamer through my Line 6 XLII. Anybody else experience this?