kinda inspired by Jim Shine's black and white king V, cause it looked so awesome [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
it convinced me to finish converting my KE-2 to black and white.
a couple of weeks ago i bought a white emg from Todd staples and put her in.(THANKS TODD [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )
i always liked the way white pups look in a black guitar. after seeing Jim's V i had to finish
it. first the neck pup is not a pup, I'm a one pup kinda guy ,so usually when i get
a guitar the first thing that gets done
is out with the old pups and in with the EMG. I took an old bezel and cut an old plastic trem cover to fit inside it,
painted it white and put it in.next did all the screws for the bezel, the truss rod cover,
strap buttons,Floyd string locks, and the vol. knob.
I don't like a tone knob much cause i never use them
(when i write a tune i write a program just for that tune on my digitech 2120's so if i want a different tone I'll step
on a button [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )
so they go when the pups get changed and i move the vol. knob to the furthest hole away. To fill the holes i use
carriage bolts.
sorry the pic is kinda crappy my batt.'s are about dead [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]
and I'm still don't know if i want to keep the 2 carriage bolts white i might do them black so they kinda disappear....opinions?
[ April 07, 2004, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: MOSHWITZ ]