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  • #16
    Re: DK-1

    Originally posted by VanOsbourne:
    Shredder I would love to see some pics of the rasberry burst.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Ask and you shall receive! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] It's the 2003 Catalog guitar. Literally. As shown at Summer NAMM, too. Pics don't do the flameage on a red top any justice. Much more intense in person.

    Good luck convincing the wife!


    • #17
      Re: DK-1

      You said the guy owned a store...Who wouldn't expect a salesman to tell you just what you wanna hear. Hell the guy may have never even played it or just don't know what the hell it should have looked like. Maybe he's crosseyed [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img] who knows. You got a good deal and you're happy with the guitar, I see no reason for negative feedback. If he does a bad deal with someone else then I'm sure they will deal with it accordingly. I'd leave feedback (nothing extravagant) but nothing negative. Express your concerns to him personally but I wouldn't slam him on his feedback. Just my opinion.

      Congrats on the guitar though [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] . Very nice.


      • #18
        Re: DK-1

        I did'nt think it would cause such a stink to mention that the seller didnt tell the truth. This store is in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I dont think in a city as big as Milwaukee they would have a problem sellin a guitar like this for under $700. I think it was sitting on the wall at the store and nobody bought it because of the condition it was in, and they decided to sell it on ebay. I would bet that if taken back to the same store in the condition its in now it would sell in two days. Once again I am sorry I even mentioned it. I thought I would get a little more support here. I never expect to get a guitar in perfect condition on mail order. I rather like setting them up. But on this one I hade to do the bridge the neck the intonation, springs. It was not a two hour job. I have it pretty much nailed down now after 5 days and many turns of the wrench.


        • #19
          Re: DK-1

          Shreddermon [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] thanks much for the pics. That thing is sweeeeeeeet.


          • #20
            Re: DK-1

            Woo hoo! Creative Writing 101 is in session!

            Um, try this. Maybe the cross-eyed, high-action loving, but deep-in-his-heart honest salesman was being sarcastic when he said the neck was straight as an arrow, and you didn't catch his sarcasm. You know, "Oh yeah, this neck is straight as an arrow!" [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] (stifling laughter) See, he was trying to provide you with a little entertainment while selling you something - and at no extra charge! What a prince!

            Or maybe he meant one of those squiggly cartoon arrows like you see Wile E. Coyote use!

            Or maybe he was drunk! But not voluntarily. Someone spiked his coffee (so it wasn't his fault)!

            Oops, bell rang. Back to the real world. As you correctly surmised, this guy said, "hmm, no one seems to like or want to buy this guitar that looks pretty but plays like garbage. Looks like a perfect candidate for eBay (and the farther away the customer, the better)!" And that's just what he did to turn it.

            The fact that you had the skill to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear does nothing whatsoever to mitigate his false statements. Leave the feedback you feel is justified. If you wanna be a nice guy, leave neutral feedback with a brief explanation, e.g., "Nice guitar, but not as nice as advertised."


            • #21
              Re: DK-1

              Well said [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] I'm just not going to leave any feedback at all. Like I said I was'nt trying to cause a stink. Maybe I'm to picky.


              • #22
                Re: DK-1

                Maybe he had bad intent, maybe not. You never can tell cause some people are just retarded. Chances are if he new enough to know all it needed was a truss adjustment, he would have done it to sell it his store. Not every store has a guitar tech, and some people sell stuff they know nothing about.Then again maybe he is just a jerk, knew it needed adjusting but didn't care.
                As long as your happy screw it.His stupidity is your gain, nice guitar. thanks for the pics.


                • #23
                  Re: DK-1

                  You should leave positive feedback. If the guitar is in as described condition, then he gave you what he said.

                  The term "STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW" generally means that there is no twisting of the neck.


                  NO NECK IS FLAT. And as has been said, ALL guitars need to be set up for each particular owner. Perhaps that's the way he liked it? I know people that set theirs up and SHRED TO ALL HELL and when I look, the neck has WAY too much backbow for my particular tastes, yet when they play my guitars, they don't like it so flat and low. Go figure.

                  Having to adjust a truss rod isn't even something that you should even CONSIDER being a negative... Geez... That just sounds really fucking lame... pardon my french.

                  [edit] and I only came here to look, and was going to say "nice fucking guitar bro"... it looks great.

                  On another note, I've NEVER bought a guitar I didn't have to adjust somehow to fit my liking (usually, truss, bridge and an intonation... I intonate every guitar I buy too... some are really off... is that deserving of no feedback or a negative?)


                  [ May 04, 2004, 06:19 AM: Message edited by: xenophobe ]
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #24
                    Re: DK-1

                    So if you bought a car from someone who said it ran like a champ, only to find out it would'nt even turn over until you put about 40 man hours into it, you would tell everyone the guy sells great cars?

                    Alright let me set some things stright right now. I said the guitar plays like a dream now, I did not say the neck was in good condition now. I am going to cross my fingers and hope that in time the neck will settle out a bit. There are still problems with it! I do not want to have to do a fret job on it. A simple truss rod adjustment does not take 5 fucking days now does it. I've been doing this shit for nearly 30 years. And I have never seen a neck this bad. So cut me some fucking slack there hoss. You think I made this shit up or something? The fact is somebody tried to dump thier shit on me. I've tried to make the best of it. And your gonna give me shit for it. Thanks. Fuckin THANKS.


                    • #25
                      Re: DK-1

                      Originally posted by VanOsbourne:
                      Alright let me set some things stright right now. I said the guitar plays like a dream now, I did not say the neck was in good condition now
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">So are you saying the neck has bass to treble twist or what? Twist is different from bow.

                      Before, you said you adjusted the truss rod and it plays great. Guess what, when it rains I have to adjust my guitars' truss rods, when it gets hot I have to adjust the truss rods, when it gets cold I have to adjust the truss rods. A guitar neck is not a "set it and forget it" item. If you've been "doing it" for 30 years you should know that. Necks move - that's what the truss rod is for.
                      Blank yo!


                      • #26
                        Re: DK-1

                        The way to describe how the neck was bowed would be.. in waves. It was like it had two different bows in it. When I first saw it I thought the truss rod HAD to be broken. But thankfully it came back into shape. There are some minor dead spots on the neck. I have it playin pretty good right now. Good enough that I'm happy with it. I think it just sat so long in this condition that its just going to take a while to work itself out. I.E. playing it, temp changes. And accually some guitars you can set and they will play the same for 10 years using the same string gauge and tuning. I've had quite a few Jackson and Ibanez's that I have not had to setup for years.

                        From the way my DK-1's neck was "bowed" and from the rust on alot of the parts, including some of the inside electronics, I believe this guitar may have been in a flood of some sort.


                        • #27
                          Re: DK-1

                          I feel I should apologize for my rant a few posts back, it was early morning and I had not had my nicotine yet. So I'm sorry for the outburst. Its just that I'm feeling like I have to defend myself when I really should'nt have to. It's not like I picked up a guitar yesterday and said "Wow, look at those shinny knobs, wonder what these switches do?".

                          And for the record I started playing violin at 4. Guitar at 8. Started pulling them apart at about 10. I'm 36 now. I'm not saying I am an expert. I can say that I've been able to get very good playability out of almost everything I've had.


                          • #28
                            Re: DK-1

                            Calm down, bro. If you aren't happy with it you should return it for a refund. From your prolific posts I can't even tell if you are happy with it or not. If it's fixed and good to go, just shut up and move on. If it's still got problems, get your $ back. Leave whatever feedback you want to leave. We can't tell you, only you know for sure. Best of luck on it, you outbid me for it!!!!!
                            "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                            Gotta get away from here.
                            Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                            Waitin' for the sun to appear..."


                            • #29
                              Re: DK-1

                              Originally posted by PaddoK:
                              </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by VanOsbourne:
                              Well, it plays good now becuase I had to set it up properly. But when the guitar came in, and I seen the way the neck was I was scared shitless that there might be a warp. Thank god there was not. The problem I have is the conversation I had with the seller was that this guitar was "perfect no problems", this was not the case. He should have told me that setup was needed. I think they thought they had gotten rid of a "problem" guitar.
                              I mean c'mon the strings were almost an inch away from the fretboard. Anyone could see this. Anyway I'm happy about the guitar. But I think the seller tried to punk me. I was very specific with the seller in my emails. I dont think he was being honest.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Not to be a dick, but I think you are wrong. Pretty much every guitar you ever buy, especially from across the country will be needing a setup. I would not be pissed if a guitar came to me and there was fret buzz or it needed some tweaking. I expect that. It is normal. Climate affects the guitar, period.

                              You say the guitar plays like a dream, then I see no problem. For all you know, the guitar could have been amazingly set up, before being shipped.
                              </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I agree with Paddok. I sold a Carvin DC120 (12-string) on ebay a couple months back. I had it set up in standard tuning here in NJ. The winner was in CA. It made it to him fine, but he said the guitar was tuned to D and the action was high, it seemed to him he couldn't get proper relief with the truss rod and it seemed like there was a problem with the neck. I felt bad, but it was because of the trip across the country in a UPS truck in cold weather from here to warm weather in CA. He took it in to his tech and got the neck problems worked out and all is fine now. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
                              I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

