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My First King V [kv2] In Red!

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  • My First King V [kv2] In Red!

    This is a dream come true! Not sure if He's a member of this forum or not, but a fellow jackson fan linked me to e bay a brandy new ferrari red KV2 that I just won for $1325! I think shipping is close to $80. or so...but no biggy. I want it to arrive safely.

    How are King V's to play sitting down? I do A LOT of sit down playing and worry about the comfort level.

    Should I use a strap to hold the guitar up, just set it higher? I can't imagine how it's going to sound...but that classic jackson neck tells me i'll be in shred heaven!

    Am I allowed to post the winning link?

    This is one psyched up jackson/charvel fan. Last week, I scored my charvel strat in blue, this week, the king v...there goes the bank account

  • #2
    They are weird to sit and play but still kill....Post the link man!! If this noob guy ravencad still is here a link aint gonna get u booted!!


    • #3
      I accidentally posted a link to my I don't want to feel the kick. I like this forum very much.

      Okidoke, here's the item number! 7403797248

      I haven't even gotten it yet and am in heaven!!!!


      • #4
        Very nice man! Congrats!


        • #5
          Thanks, out of celebration, I had to go downstairs and shred a little on the blue charvel hehe.

          I can't wait to feel that quick smooth neck of that v. This is going to be a long week!


          • #6
            Originally posted by JZ06
            How are King V's to play sitting down? I do A LOT of sit down playing and worry about the comfort level.
            Very easy. I was really worried about it when I first bought a V, but after about 2 days of playing on it, I found it much more comfortable than playing "cowboy" style. It actually allows the body of the guitar to basically sit where it will be sitting when you stand up (unless of course you play really low).

            edit- Just checked out the guitar on eBay, looks good!
            Last edited by Inearthed; 04-07-2006, 11:39 PM.


            • #7
              Congrats man!
              The only solution to GAS is DEATH...


              • #8
                "How are King V's to play sitting down?"
                Just place one leg in the crook of the V and then user your other leg for support. I got so used to playing King V's over the years that I have a hard time playing more traditionally shaped guitars while sitting.
                Congrats on your new one!


                • #9
                  Yeah I'm a member here too JZ. I knew You needed a King V!

                  It's great to see so many posts about KVs lately. The USA section currently has four KV scores on first page- this one, my Warbird, 7-string and a double neck!!! Yeah!!!
                  My band here ->


                  • #10
                    again, i appreciated the kind words/congrats!

                    jani......yes, it was my time to have a king v! it's the closest thing to the double rhoads dream guitar....and certainly different than all the strats that i own.

                    i spoke to a friend who's a v fanatic last night. he said the same thing you guys did, put the center of the "V" on your leg and hold it upright or try the strap trick.

                    now where's that fed-ex truck !!!!


                    • #11
                      trying to finalise things with e bay....if all goes well, it should touch base next friday! i am BEYOND pins and needles. never had my own 'v' and am curious to see how it sounds and feels.

                      i'll keep you posted.

                      have a nice weekend.


                      • #12
                        Kv2 Arrival!

                        I just finished playing this fine guitar! It's taking some getting used to seeing I've never owned a "V" before, but I came home from work and saw what any GAS'er would love to see

                        The neck isn't quite as fast and as low(action) as my sl-1, but maybe a truss rod adjustment would do it.

                        I already put the first TINY scratch on right wing tip. Thinking the stand was going to hold it, it touched the driveway a smidge. Not anything earth shattering, but it's biggy!

                        The color is awesome!! and the pickups are very well balanced! Oddly, the rear say's seymour duncan, but the front hum is blank.

                        It is a cool guitar!!!!


                        • #13
                          Awesome guitar.


                          • #14
                            Wow! Ferrari red car and guitar!
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #15
                              Great Aquisition. My V has the exact same markings on the labeled and one blank. Nice car too.....hence your handle I guess. So are you building a shed to store that case in or what!!!

