I'm looking at adding to my SL1 and PC1's and I'm looking at a RR1 and DK1. I can't decide. I haven't played either one, but I almost always buy my guitars having never played them, and have been real lucky so far.
I know the Dinky would be comfortable right off the bat sitting down and cool with the EMG's. I read in past posts with the RR1, you sit classical style with the inside of the "V" resting on your leg (ala vintage Randy pics). I could always put EMG's in the RR1 down the road. I never have owned a guitar that had a shape other than a Strat or Les Paul.
Any ideas pluses and minuses? Maybe if I got an RR1, I could play more like Randy? My Malmsteen Strat gave me immediate speed and I started talking with a Swedish accent as soon as I got it home.:ROTF: I was thinking I'd look cool with an RR1 in my home studio, but on the negative side I don't want to back up and kill the dog with the pointies all over the place
I need help deciding.

Any ideas pluses and minuses? Maybe if I got an RR1, I could play more like Randy? My Malmsteen Strat gave me immediate speed and I started talking with a Swedish accent as soon as I got it home.:ROTF: I was thinking I'd look cool with an RR1 in my home studio, but on the negative side I don't want to back up and kill the dog with the pointies all over the place
