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Fullers Vintage Guitars - new Jacksons

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  • #31
    Originally posted by VanOsbourne
    I had $1800 ready to go to a guitar that I know sells for $1600 at every other Jackson retailer.

    Needless to say the one I wanted was at Fullers. They would not budge from thier price which was $2600.

    I told the guy it was too bad about the paint job on the guitar, he said there was nothing wrong with the paint...

    I said there will be when YOU STICK IT UP YOUR ASS!

    Excellent comment. I love that kind of stuff!


    • #32
      Hmmmm. I wonder why their Jackson inventory sits for such a long long time? They have guitars on there that have been sitting for about a year or more. I guess the owner doesn't believe in selling at a fair price and making up the margin in quantity sales, accessory sales, good will and all that other stuff. I guess it's more fun to gang rape an individual and squeeze every dime out of a single sale with the expectation that they will feel good about it and return for more. I really don't get those guys.
      "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
      I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


      • #33
        I have a hard time believing they had a guitar at 2600 that you can get for 1600 anywhere else.....sorry... If that's how they sold guitars they never would sell any......and would not be in business.


        • #34
          I don't have any dealings with them so...I have no reason to defend them. But I do notice that Fullers is carrying a lot of one offs from the Custom Shop. I see very few dealers that do the same, so who are you comparing them to? It's probably no surprise that very expensive CS pieces aren't selling quickly. Two of those guitars were drooled over by a lot of people (the Matrix Camo and the Pablo Birdseye) and still they sat. It's not like these were guitars you could buy anywhere else. Look at Guitar Asylum's page, same deal. CS pieces that have been sitting and waiting for an owner.

          Look at it this way. I had my eye on a CS piece for about a year. I waited and waited for the price to come down. I really wanted it. Slowly it was being discounted. When it finally reached a price I could live with, I jumped on it. Now, that doesn't mean that anyone else on earth wanted that exact guitar at that price. It might have sat there for another 6 months, gone down another 4-500. Who knows. The point is, you have to look at the one offs as an auction that takes place over a year. Eventually someone is going to want them bad enough to put a chunk of money down (unless it's one of those hideous ratrods).


          • #35
            Originally posted by quakana
            I have a hard time believing they had a guitar at 2600 that you can get for 1600 anywhere else.....sorry... If that's how they sold guitars they never would sell any......and would not be in business.
            I agree with that logic. However, from my personal experience, I called them 3-4 times on particular guitars. They would not budge off of their advertised price. I ended up buying the same guitars from other dealers saving $600-$800 on each deal.

            I just think that the "good deals" that people get from those guys are few and far between. I have nothing lose or gain by writing this but they obviously pissed me off enough in the past to want to vent about it. Because I am a business owner, I do wonder how small businesses exist when they treat customers like this.

            Probably like many of us, I have 2-3 dealers that I buy from on a fairly regular basis. These guys give me good to excellent deals and I keep coming back.
            "You have a pud..your wife has a face. Next time she bitches..I'd play cock bongos on her cheeks..all four of them!" - Bill Z.
            I just just had a sudden urge to sugga dick..! If I wore that guitar and didn't suck male genitalia..somethin' is very wrong! - Bill Z.


            • #36
              I hear ya Mike. We all have are own opinion and thats cool. Maybe they have enough capitol to pay cash for their stock therefore not in a rush to move it hence no finance charges or bank issues in order to get more stock. Thats also a sign of an established business....and I am just not sure how they would have gotten there w/o selling? Maybe they are independantly wealthy I am judging als by experience when I bought a guitar I could not find anywhere else and I paid bottom dollar.

