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New RR with Sloppy Paint - Send it Back? - WWYD?

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  • #46
    I own a KH-602 and the cavities on the guitar are smooth with no bare wood. LTD's are made in Korea too. Some people are just lazy and impatient when it comes to paint work. <--My Band


    • #47
      That wouldn''t bother me enough to send it back but I'm not you. If you are unhappy with it do what you have to do.


      • #48
        Originally posted by mm2002
        With that said, I think you're being a bit picky!
        I wouldn't disagree, bro. Like I said - IMHO, it was a judgement call. I wouldn't have lost any sleep by keeping it. But I finally just came down on the side of sending it back to the dealer.

        Remember, this guitar was bought through a "big box" dealer over the net. If I had had the opportunity to play & inspect the guitar in person first, I probably would've just passed on the purchase in the first place. But that doesn't work with web sales. And that's why the dealer allows returns for any reason at all - inc. just not liking it after trying it in person. (Although I did like it otherwise.) So they'll just relist it on their website for someone else, and no harm / no foul. It's not like it went back to J/C for a warranty claim.


        • #49
          If it were me... I'd keep it IF the tone was ALL THERE. I've bought guitars with minor cosmetic stuff before over perfect ones because they just plain sounded better than the perfect ones.


          • #50
            Last edited by texasfury; 09-23-2008, 03:53 PM.
            Just a guitar player...


            • #51
              Originally posted by texasfury
              If a company is touting custom guitars made in the USA as the pinnacle of their product, stuff like that better have some semblance of smoothness. I wouldn't expect the trem rout to be perfectly mirror smooth like the body, but damn it, at least put a polisher on a drill or something and take 5 minutes to smooth out the roughness. If automotive car wheel painters can do this type of finishwork with even more difficult recesses to polish (and for less money), I'm sure Jackson could do the same.
              That, my friend, is a very true statement. I definitely see the logic in that.
              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


              • #52
                That sort of imperfection wouldn't bother me.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by petedz
                  I've seen lots of rough trem routes on well made guitars. Personally, it wouldn't bother me.
                  Same here. I wouldn't worry about it too much but you're the one who has to look at it every time you pick it up. If it is going to bother you go back and let them know what's up.

