I've been looking around online for a black 1997 SLS to go with mine and I can not find many of them. I think 1997 was the first year the SLS's were made. They changed slightly in 98 though I am not sure if they changed the body thickness or not. The only noticeable differences I see are the pickups changed and some cosmetic things changed.
From what I can tell from the catalogs, they stopped making the USA SLS's after that until around 2003. The rest, as they say, is history.
Have any of you owned or played a 97 or 98? If so, what did you think? They seem to be somewhat rare around here and the net. I am not sure if that's because Jackson did not make many of them, if no one likes them, or some other reason.
From what I can tell from the catalogs, they stopped making the USA SLS's after that until around 2003. The rest, as they say, is history.
Have any of you owned or played a 97 or 98? If so, what did you think? They seem to be somewhat rare around here and the net. I am not sure if that's because Jackson did not make many of them, if no one likes them, or some other reason.