Yesterday on a gig I entered my pod-xt thru the fx return of a marshall head with a 4x12 cab. and tweaked the volume... I played a friends Soloist with the stock Jb until the last 2 songs. When I plugged my ke-2 (with an emg 81 on the bridge as stated on the title and also the floyd is blocked) there was a huge difference in my tone. It got really full and 10x tighter. I've always loved the way my kelly sounds with the 81 but I had never realised it that well. Moreover in the morning while I was practising with the sl-1 I thought it sounded really well (Jb is one of my favorite pick-ups.)
I don't know whether the emg 81 or the blocked floyd caused that difference (maybe both?) but I started thinking of going active on all of my guitars I guess
ps: No pictures yet Ron
I don't know whether the emg 81 or the blocked floyd caused that difference (maybe both?) but I started thinking of going active on all of my guitars I guess

ps: No pictures yet Ron
