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Pre-Fender VS. Post-Fender?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MEX3 View Post
    I think quality was better pre fender myself. Just take a look around this forum and see all the references of messed up orders and flawed guitars leaving the factory. AMIC may not have known how to market and sell the guitars, but I never heard about so many defective guitars being unleashed on unsuspecting buyers. Then again, it could be that production is up and they are just making more mistakes # wise, but the same % wise. I kind of doubt that though, because anyone with eyes should have caught many of the obvious flaws in inspection before they hit the dealers. To me, that says that they are pushing them out the door to meet a production quota. My .02

    let me introduce you to a run of 25 guitars known as JCF 01. oy. not saying it's perfect now, but it wasn't all rainbows and butterfly farts back then either.
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    • #17
      I waited till Fender bought Jackson/Charvel to get a new one. I believe there has been definite improvements and yes, you can have some quality issues because you are a growing company. But, these are minor in the big picture. With that aside, I like the quality that much better now. J/C are more visible in the market place and the custom shop is thriving.

      Now, if Fender can get that website designer and get the pic gallery back up and running!!!!
      Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


      • #18
        I have had a pre and post SL1, and the post one had fretwork issues. The frets where coming loose from thier slots. The pre one I have now has no issues. I cannot vouch for the previous owners care for these guitars, only mine.


        • #19
          I've got a pre-fender soloist and I've played several new soloists in the past few years. They're all great.


          • #20
            I still like the feel of the older Jacksons, something is just different it seems like now. JMO


            • #21
              Just thinking back at this forum over the years, I somehow kinda get the feeling more people had issues with brand new stuff before Fender. But I have absolutely no proof of that, it´s just a hunch.


              • #22
                Well, I've never seen a Pre Fender Jacko, but mine looks flawless,...


                • #23
                  I got a fender, pre-fender, and an SD Jackson! And they all rock! I wish they would slap kahlers in them though! CS's aren't cheap!!
                  I love admins!


                  • #24
                    Aside from a few post Fender USA Jacksons I've had(mainly the SLATQHs), Nothing compares to the 80's and maybe the early 90s for me. I've had my share of problems with pre and post Fender Jacksons. I've had no issues with the older stuff. I currently own 3 USA Jacksons. THey are all pre 90.
                    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


                    • #25
                      The current guitars are really sweet. My custom XTRR is really sweet. Yes, I have a gripe or two, but overall the outstanding workmanship and fretwork of the guitar make any little complaints I have meaningless.

                      As for which is best? Not every guitar is created equally, and there are times in the past where great guitars were built as well as sloppy ones. As for right now, I think most of the current guitars are excellent, and this is one of the high-points. Other high points of production are mid-era SD, though the first Ontario builds were a lot nicer than the last SD builds... mid 90's guitars are also really great.
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by xenophobe View Post
                        The current guitars are really sweet. My custom XTRR is really sweet. Yes, I have a gripe or two, but overall the outstanding workmanship and fretwork of the guitar make any little complaints I have meaningless.

                        As for which is best? Not every guitar is created equally, and there are times in the past where great guitars were built as well as sloppy ones. As for right now, I think most of the current guitars are excellent, and this is one of the high-points. Other high points of production are mid-era SD, though the first Ontario builds were a lot nicer than the last SD builds... mid 90's guitars are also really great.
                        I wasn't familiar with your complaints so I did a search and found this:

                        Apparently even doing all of this, in GREAT detail isn't enough for them to NOT fuck things up. I'm at the point to where they can't get ANYTHING right, even when you do supply them with extra diagrams, details and information.

                        Anything short of a detailed SPEC sheet and a fully blueprinted drawing with measurements, and they'll fuck your order up. Guaranteed.
                        and this:
                        Just that they keep moving neck/pickup/bridge locations on guitars with more than 24 frets...

                        I sent in very detailed photos/drawings, and on both the Demon and XTRR, their attention to these submissions seems to be sketchy...

                        The original Demon is a no-go, and they're going to redo it later. The XTRR is going to be a compromise... I'll live with it.
                        Do I understand that you have a Demon on order that was messed up and has/had to be redone? If so, that's messed up.

                        All I know is that if people like this were doing plastic surgery, none of us would be sending our girlfriends/wives to them for boob jobs.


                        • #27
                          I had a custom demon on order, and they started production without asking any information to verify. Their first attempt wasn't close to what I wanted. I submitted the changes, and their second attempt was what I wanted, but came much too early. I waited nearly 2 years for my XTRR, but both demons were done in as little as 3 months from WO#, which pissed me off too. I ended up cancelling the order for the Demon. I'll order something else later, but since my mother passed, and now I'm in the middle of paying property taxes... so someday I'll order it, just not in the immedidiate future.

                          I am quite happy with my XTRR though...

                          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                          • #28
                            I'm not much of a "v" shape fan but Xeno's XTRR is always a welcome and beautiful sight.


                            • #29
                              Looks good to me.

