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which lucky bastard scored this? one of you?

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  • #16
    +1. the uk is a dive
    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tiddles View Post
      Oh & Wilkinsi…I’m glad you told us you’re still a relatively young kid (or not far off), cos your language needs serious attention (really, the expletives just sound silly, imho of course ).


      If you can't deal with foul language, the internet, much less a guitar forum, is not the place for you.
      Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


      • #18
        Well you probably know that eBay price/bidding means nothing until the final few min., and mostly the big bids and winners appear from nowhere in final 5 seconds … so if it was £285 (ie $545) at 3 days out, then it could easily have gone for crazy high price, and then it wouldn’t have looked half so attractive….plus, despite what advertisers say, most people on eBay only sell guitars because they don’t think they’re so hot…almost nobody truly sells a guitar which they genuinely think is great lol!
        Someone hasn't heard of GAS. I sell guitars all the time that I like because I either need money to pay off some bills or pay off a new guitar purchase. Doesn't mean I'm selling crap. Some I really regret selling because the guitar I bought isn't as good as the one I sold.
        Oh & Wilkinsi…I’m glad you told us you’re still a relatively young kid (or not far off), cos your language needs serious attention (really, the expletives just sound silly, imho of course ).
        What's that all about.


        • #19
          Ha, well I’m pleased to say Wilkinsi had a better reaction than one or two others (well done for that Wilkinsi )…but actually I wasn’t being critical, just trying to point out that most educated readers won’t take posts seriously if guys fill them with F-ing this F-ing that etc…it just devalues your posts, that’s all .



          • #20
            Ha, well I’m pleased to say Wilkinsi had a better reaction than one or two others (well done for that Wilkinsi )…but actually I wasn’t being critical, just trying to point out that most educated readers won’t take posts seriously if guys fill them with F-ing this F-ing that etc…it just devalues your posts, that’s all .
            Unless people are being asses on this forum no ones cares what language is used as long as it is not towards someone I don't think any less of his posts if he says FUCKING this - BTW B of S.


            • #21
              Rich – just re the GAS point … ha, yeah I’ve heard of GAS . And I agree there’s a huge turn-over of perfectly good guitars, simply due to people buying things & then for a whole host of reasons deciding they want some different guitar. In the USA, and to a lesser extent in the UK, that often leads to guys owning literally dozens of guitars simultaneously, and of course they sell some of those from time to time. But when guys find a particular guitar that they think is really special/outstanding, then that’s usually a “keeper”, it’s usually the last to go. So personally I wouldn’t pay to much attention to eBay adverts saying “fantastic guitar, tone monster, hate to let it go but…”.



              • #22
                But when guys find a particular guitar that they think is really special/outstanding, then that’s usually a “keeper”, it’s usually the last to go. So personally I wouldn’t pay to much attention to eBay adverts saying “fantastic guitar, tone monster, hate to let it go but…”.
                That is so true. I have had one for 18 years and will never let it go. But I have sold others that I shouldn't have. The one that comes to mind the most is the chavel Model A I sold. The guy who bought it who had Gibson Vs and LP told be it was the best playing guitar he ever had. I also just sold a RR5-great guitar but I had to pay for the one I just bought which was just like my favorite one. Most of it is BS though.


                • #23
                  Ha, well at risk of immediately contradicting myself … the funny thing is I think many of those guitars are often better than the sellers think they are, and the usual problem is that they either just need a decent set-up, or else there’s a couple of relatively minor problems that need fixing, eg uneven frets or truss-rod adjustment. Out of about a dozen or so guitars that I’ve bought on eBay, only 2 actually came anywhere near having a sensible set-up … several of those guitars came with the pickups either waaaay too high or waaaay too low, as a result of which the guitars sounded totally crazy, I don’t know if the previous owners actually thought they were supposed to sound that way lol.



                  • #24
                    it aint neck thru is it the usa model


                    • #25
                      Hope this answers your question!

                      Originally posted by wilkinsi View Post

                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #26
                        says made in usa on the headstock
                        Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                        "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                        • #27
                          Bought a similar one today. High price, but wanted it badly


                          • #28
                            Sorry to get sidetracked, but the UK's not a dive ;-)
                            At least not all of it. At least Wilkinsi's in Nottingham - cool. Derby, now that's a hole! Next time you want a guitar and can't collect give me a bell, I don't mind playing taxi!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Slashaxl View Post
                              Bought a similar one today. High price, but wanted it badly
                              Hey, I thought of you when I saw this thread

                              Waiting sucks uh..


                              • #30
                                Yeah, it sucks.... but the waiting is over tomorrow

