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Korina or Mahogany for my custom?

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  • Korina or Mahogany for my custom?

    Okay, so, it will have a 3/4 quilted maple top, a 5 piece neck (cocobolo sides and mahogany center) and a mahogany back.

    Given those tone woods, what would happen if I use Korina instead of mahogany (body) and figured maple for the neck's center?

  • #2
    ?.....You do want the guitar to vibrate don't you?
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


    • #3
      The real korina is the white stuff. The other can be found cheaply.

      Since you're going wild on woods, consider Paducah for the center!! And heck, Zebrawood for the back! heh, heh, j/k


      • #4
        Or purpleheart....
        I love admins!


        • #5
          korina has incredible resale, always has.. and as the stockpile of limba nears its end.
          [which would be about now, cutting ban is comng very soon from what I am being told]

          your guitar will hold its value and only appreciate...
          white korina especially , but black korina has a much more striking appearance and I like its tonal characteristics and it looks killer with a darker violin type sunburst.
          [clear natural finishes not so nice]

          african mahogany which seems to be the only readily available source of late
          is not in any danger of shortage, but it also "in my opinion" isnt the same tonewise as the old growth british honduras mahogs of even 20 yrs ago.
          plus it isnt nearly as striking grain wise and is very devoid of the classic bold graining/color characteristics.

          even a limba cutting board will one day fetch stupid money ,run with it.!!!


          • #6
            Okay, but what about the tonal characteristics?


            A guitar with a 3/4 maple top and mahogany


            A guitar with a 3/4 maple top and korina?


            • #7
              When I say tonal characteristics I mean which one will be brighter, darker, "better" (given the maple top combination)

              And weightwise too.


              • #8
                It all depends on certain piece of wood, but in average korina is almost the same as mahogany. Korina has better resale value as it was mentioned above and it looks cool natural (with a bit of tint) finished. So putting a maple top onto Korina doesn't make much sense from this point of view.
                Because I don't say it
                Doesn't mean I ain't thinking it


                • #9
                  what kind of guitar are you building eventually with all the wood combos your just going to muddy the sound....... be funny if you get exotice woods then end up putting EMGs on it
                  "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                  • #10
                    Im using Duncans for this one, an SH-11 Custom Custom for the bridge and a Pearly Gates for the neck.


                    • #11
                      Like peedenmark7 said!
                      "The BLUES is the tonic for what ails ya."


                      • #12
                        nice maple neck with a maple finger board through
                        Mesquite wings .......its a TEXAS TREE.......
                        "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.

