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So now that we cant afford Custom's...

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  • So now that we cant afford Custom's...

    .... are we all going to save alot of money or have furious bidding wars when something interesting pops up on Ebay?

    I just dont understand their logic, even though we havent officially seen how big the increase is yet it will most likely drive away alot of business.

    Do you see this as move to just try and catch up on the back log while creating more demand/hype for the brand name?

    I personally was trying to get another Demon quoted out before the new year ( and new prices) but alas seeing as NAMM falls around the same time I didnt make the cut. So now I fear it will be out of my price range.

    Now I was even considering trying the BC Rich Customshop for an Assassin with some of the same features I had in mind but I havent heard much positive words about them in the last few years or so. Maybe I should be content with what I have and just play more now instead of gassing for more new cool guitars. but we know how tough that can be.

  • #2
    I'll stick with bolt-ons until something less-expensive comes along :ROTF:

    Too bad about the pricejack - I was hoping to get a couple more Customs this year (maybe even ones I'd still want in a year and a half )
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    • #3
      i NEVER did get a quote for my custom PC archtop i wanted to have built. oh well, i guess it wasn't meant to be.....

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        Not sure if they price us out of the game who the hell is going to buy them. i am sure the dealers who broker these guitars will have something to say when their sales fall. They would be a good vehicle to express the concerns as the "ask Jackson" forum is gone due to John taking a new job

