Bahh, obviously I haven't been on the JCF enough within the past year so I probably missed the "artist similar" news. Awwww, that's too bad to hear about that. 
Does this mean no more replicas whatsoever? Guess the JCF-YCE series is kaput. But something doesn't add up... you can still order custom PC1s from what I imagine. Look at the recent MattsMusicCenter run. (BTW those PC1s are gorgeous.)
Hell... where do you draw the line at "artist similar" guitars? "Oh crap, it has WOOD and STRINGS and TUNERS and a BRIDGE and some PICKUPS... nope, too similar to so-and-so artist who also has a guitar made out of wood and strings and tuners and has a bridge and pickups. Can't do it."
And yes, outside of the "Wasted Years" music video, I don't think I've seen any other footage of Adrian's Charvel Strat. Actually I don't recall any photos of it either... I remember I had to make screenshots from the "Wasted Years" video for that huge Maiden Jackson/Charvel/Wayne picture thread I started a few years ago.

Does this mean no more replicas whatsoever? Guess the JCF-YCE series is kaput. But something doesn't add up... you can still order custom PC1s from what I imagine. Look at the recent MattsMusicCenter run. (BTW those PC1s are gorgeous.)
Hell... where do you draw the line at "artist similar" guitars? "Oh crap, it has WOOD and STRINGS and TUNERS and a BRIDGE and some PICKUPS... nope, too similar to so-and-so artist who also has a guitar made out of wood and strings and tuners and has a bridge and pickups. Can't do it."
And yes, outside of the "Wasted Years" music video, I don't think I've seen any other footage of Adrian's Charvel Strat. Actually I don't recall any photos of it either... I remember I had to make screenshots from the "Wasted Years" video for that huge Maiden Jackson/Charvel/Wayne picture thread I started a few years ago.