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a Rare Gem walked into the pawn shop today..

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  • a Rare Gem walked into the pawn shop today..

    So I'm at the pawnshop, fixing their network, when this dude comes in with a big ass Rhoads style case. I went over to see what it was out of curiosity, and there looking at me was RR0350, in great condition.

    They gave him $400.

    I will be watching that one closely.

  • #2
    Don't just watch it!....
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


    • #3
      finish? specs?
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #4
        Buy It...for Me!!!


        • #5
          Black, gold hardware. Kahler trem (I dunno Kahler model #s)

          H-x-H, Unknown Pups, no logo or markings on them. Dome knobs were fairly worn, and there was a bit of cancer on a couple of the bridge rollers. Gold anodized Pickguard, in good condition, with a bit of wear around the volume knob.

          Nicely seasoned ivoroid? binding on the neck/headstock, white logo that is VERY close to the edge of the binding, "made in USA" kind of tilted into the binding.

          Err what else? Couple dings on the upper wing, faint lines in the paint where the neck wood meets the body (only on the back).


          • #6
            Dude, buy that for yourself or pass it on to a JCF bro.


            • #7
              I'll be all over it if it even comes CLOSE to dropping. I suspect it wont, but I have seen crazier things.

              Edit: forgot the most important bit: the blackest, tightest Ebony Ive ever laid eyes on, with sharkies of a distinct pattern, a swirling effect that made them look wet... Im not even sure what the material is, but it was gorgeous.
              Last edited by DXMG; 03-07-2007, 06:05 PM.


              • #8
                Dropping? Offer them $600 and you'll still have a steal!


                • #9
                  "dropping" = being left by the guy who pawned it. Which in Colorado will take at least 40 days to happen. If it hits 30, then Ill start to get excited.


                  • #10
                    So he didn't sell it, he just borrowed money on it.
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • #11
                      Yeah, but that doesnt mean anything TBH. It is exceedingly rare that anyone sells anything outright to the pawnshops around here... There are too many pawnshops, and all of them target interest as their profit source. They want you to come back for your stuff. If they know you arent, they low ball you. Well they do that anyway, but moreso if they know you are selling.

                      Also, the guy who runs the store is an old friend of mine, and he knows his guitars pretty well. I will get a nice deal, but it wont be $600 If I'm lucky he'll call it good at double and sell it to me for $800.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DXMG View Post
                        Also, the guy who runs the store is an old friend of mine, and he knows his guitars pretty well. I will get a nice deal, but it wont be $600 If I'm lucky he'll call it good at double and sell it to me for $800.

                        Doesn't sound like such an "old friend" to me. Hopefully he will give you a better break than that if he is such a friend. Good luck.
                        Charvel: USA Pro Mod Slime Green
                        1988 Model 2,
                        Jackson: Dinky HSS 'Blue/Orange Flame'
                        Gibson: 1978 Les Paul Spl Dbl Cut
                        1992 LP Studio 'Lite'
                        2005 SG Special


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jrnic View Post
                          Doesn't sound like such an "old friend" to me. Hopefully he will give you a better break than that if he is such a friend. Good luck.

                          Yep, I have to give my Learn-graphic Strathead Charvel to the guy I started playing guitar with. I bought it way low, he saw it, called dibs on it, that's what a friend is supposed to do. I know he'll love it more than I will.


                          • #14
                            If he were just a friend, I'd agree. But knowing the pawnshop mentality like I do (worked in it for 15 years) I can tell you that for him to sell it to me for less than he KNOWS he could get publicly, is indeed an act of friendship.

