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Put a ding on my trans black KE-2

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  • Put a ding on my trans black KE-2

    OK so I messed up and nicked to top of my kelly. I almoast cried when it happend.... well not exactly but close, haha. Anyways I was wondering if there is anyone here that has refinished a neck threw jackson before. That could give me some tips on painting one of these. Whats the best way to mask the fret board, do I need to pull the frets? The ding is right on the edge of the top, and the color is solid black there, not transparent. So I figured I could fill the nick, airbush a little black on, then clear the whole thing and it would be good as new.

    Or would I be better of selling it? I just cant stand to have such a nice guitar and have a dent on the top of it whare it is in plain sight. I mean the guitar had some scratches and stuff on the points, and on the back, but this one is bad.

    I'll try and get a pic up today.
    Thanks alot.

  • #2
    Whoa whoa whoa whoa....

    You ding your fiddle and you consider selling it?!

    Brother I had a bassist over here trying out and he banged my Strat into my Sl1 Lightning sky. I totally played it cool, but I be damned if he didn't jab the finish good on the underside. I was pissed too, just like you wanting to get it fixed up and such.

    But man my fiddle is a player, and the way I figure it - its going to get worse!

    So atleast you gave it some character and not some slap happy anti thrashin bass player....


    • #3
      Ya I have been told the whole "character" deal, if it wasnt such a beautiful guitar I would agree on that. I Just take really good care of my axes, I have had my USA soloist for six years, I have played shows with it, taken it to school dailey and there is not a nick on it.

      I don't know, maybe I will just end up living with it, but if I can refinish it myself and have it look factory I would like to do that. I have the know how to paint it. Just the fact that its a transparrent finsh kinda makes me nervous.


      • #4
        I wouldn't refinish an entire guitar because of a small nick. A refin. will probably hurt the value more than the nick. And why sell it if you like it?


        • #5
          I wouldn't try a DIY repair job. You'll probably make it worse. If it's so bad that you can't live with it, take it to a pro. A good repair guy should be able to make the touch up nearly invisible.
          This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


          • #6
            Really? well screw Mark Twain.


            • #7
              Originally posted by petedz View Post
              I wouldn't try a DIY repair job. You'll probably make it worse. If it's so bad that you can't live with it, take it to a pro. A good repair guy should be able to make the touch up nearly invisible.
              Because I am a pro automotive painter, there isnt much of a difference between the two. Same kinda paint, same preping steps. But thanks for the advice, its appreciated. I must admit though as the days go on the ding annoyes me less and less, so maybe I will end up living with it.


              • #8
                She's officially broken in! Now go play and enjoy her and stop worrying about it.
                "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


                • #9
                  oops sorry bout the double post....

                  She's officially broken in! Now go play and enjoy her and stop worrying about it.

                  I know, easier said than done. I felt the same way when I badly (and stupidly) dinged one of my favs. Never got it fixed and it doesn't bother me anymore. I am going to have that guitar till I die. As long as she plays and sounds great, that's all that matters.

                  It's kind of like when I used to drive really nice and expensive autos. Spent so much time washing and detailing them, but I was doing all the work for everyone else but me. The car looks beautiful, but most of the time, I am inside it and can't see the exterior. When you get to your destination, you walk away with your back to the car, and the only time you really get to admire it is on the short walk as you go to get in. (or as it sits in the driveway). So now, as far as cars go, it is about performance baby and I don't give a shit what she looks like on the outside.

                  Same thing with the's how she plays, not how she looks sitting in the case. But once you ding your baby, you either learn a tough lesson and be more careful, or say, I don't give a shit and stop worrying about it...dings happen.
                  Last edited by Mesaboog; 04-08-2007, 07:03 PM.
                  "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


                  • #10
                    Yet another virgin roughly deflowered....LOL
                    I know the pain- I'm sort of the same way- I dropped an allen wrench on my Dokken Tiger and it pisses me off every time I see the white chip in all that bengal-ness....but you just gotta go with it, I guess, or lock 'em all up in a hermetically sealed safe in the basement of the Wells Fargo Office or whatever Karmak used to do with the questions- and then, at that point, what good is it? It's not satisfying it's purpose for existing, and you never get to touch it which probably suppresses some primal part of YOUR existence. If you think about it, it's probably an insult to the hard work of the craftsmen responsible for building it, as well as the sacrifice of the tree whose life was given to provide the material necessary for it's construction! And don't get me started on the dangers faced by the lowly honey bee during pollination of the mother tree!!
                    Or maybe not....

                    ('No- don't touch it- don't even look at's too valuable.' Paraphrased from guitar great Nigel Tufnel)


                    • #11
                      My fave Jackson is beat to shit and I love it
                      Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                      • #12
                        Post a pic, I may be able to offer some suggestions.
                        Custom Guitars, Refinish and restorations.


                        • #13
                          I couldn't get the ding to shop up well. It looks like a smudge in the pic, but its a dent, or ding whatever you want to call it. The clear is craked, anf it goes into the wood. It is relativly small, I am just super picky. I was thinking of maybe brush touching it with clear, then sanding and polishing it. It wouldnt be perfect but it would level out the imperfection.


                          • #14
                            No big deal. Easy fix.
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by toejam View Post
                              No big deal. Easy fix.

                              Heh...that might work

