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Warranty inquiries...

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  • Warranty inquiries...

    ...sooo...I love my new SL2H, however, the trem is not 'exactlyl in the center of the route, and as a result the strings are shifted towards the high E side of the neck. Luckily the frets are huge so the high E doesn't go shooting off the side, but it's a flaw nonetheless.

    Would this type of flaw be considered if I decide to use the warranty? I mean, it does include craftsmanship....I purchased it online and I didn't see it before it was shipped to me.

    Not that I'm going to return it for sure, but I'm wondering if any of you have done this....or is this just something you have to live with? Other than that, this guitar is a jem (well, a Soloist...!). Any advice?

  • #2
    30 days to return it to the on-line store....... other than that it is going to be a bitch because you would have to go through fender for a replacement.
    "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


    • #3
      Well you have a few options. I would email who ever you bought it from and Jackson. See what they say and go from there. If that route proves to go no where you could take it to a local guitar shop and pay for a setup. The prices will vary of coarse. Now the problem you explained may be able to be fixed by yourself. But I will let someone on here with more knowledge to suggest. Maybe fixing the issue yourself will let you bond and get to know your guitar better. God knows I dont hesitate to dive into repairs or modification. Just do your homework before diving in. This web forum is great for that.

      Welcome to the forum!!!


      • #4
        Well, it's been over 30 days...hmmm.

        It's been setup in a shop, sounds great. The Floyd thing though would require something drastic...fill and redrill the studs, I'm sure. I don't think I wanna put my baby through that!!!....lessons learned for the next one, anyway....thanks! If anybody else has an idea, let me know.


        • #5
          As long as you purchased it from an AUTHORIZED Jackson dealer, the warranty is valid and you can make a claim based on the manufacturing defect.
          They will basically give you a new guitar since it's a neck thru.
          I had a similar issue with my PC1 and they swapped the body out. The claim was made more than a year after I bough the guitar.

          Just take the guitar and your receipt to any authorized Fender repair shop and they will take it from there.


          • #6
            I may actually do this...but I know it'll take a while before I get it back! However, if it comes back 'perfect', then DAMN...

            At least the nice thing is I won't have to worry about shipping or brokerage fees, as I did buy it from an authorized dealer.

            Thanks!....lots to think about.


            • #7
              I just thought of something...d'oh!

              When I took it in to get setup (to a non authorized dealer), it turned out the trem could not do full range pull ups because the trem arm was hitting the tech shaved off a lil bit of the wood (that shouldn't have been there in the first place), painted it to match and voila, fixed.

              D'OH....did I just void my warranty? that point I wasn't considering shipping the guitar back. I just read the warranty on the website and technically, I think I'm screwed...

              Then again, the fix didn't have anything to do with the 'real' problem. But since the purchaser is on the hook for shipping to and from, PLUS brokerage fees, I'd hate to send it to them, only to find out that they WON'T repair/replace it due to that bit of removed excess wood.


              Perhaps now I'm seeing the 'bad' side of a lack of quality control somewhere along the line...too bad I love this guitar so much! The chances of me taking it back are slim, only if because it's going to cost a couple hundred bucks in shipping and brokerage fees alone...maybe I don't have to pay shipping, though, I may be reading that wrong...the purchaser has to pay for shipping, but maybe that's ONLY to the 'authorized dealer'....which could be ANY authorized dealer, right? Not just the one I bought it from?

              I feel like Perry friggin Mason...hahaha!...details!

              What do y'all think?


              • #8
                ship it with normal mail and you wont have to worry about brokerage fees, for one...(that's a UPS thing)


                • #9
                  You can take it to ANY authorized repair center for warranty work.
                  Shaving a small piece of wood to get better clearance should not void the warranty.
                  Just take it to them and explain the problem. Number one rule is don't bring up any repairs unless they bring it up first.
                  As far as their concerned, you got it that way.


                  • #10
                    hmmmmm..... if it doesn't work out, you could pay some one to plug and redrill, it shouldn't cost more than a hundred or two.
                    "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kelly user View Post
                      hmmmmm..... if it doesn't work out, you could pay some one to plug and redrill, it shouldn't cost more than a hundred or two.
                      I've done this with another guitar of mine, and the tech brought up the fact that over the years the wood will shift, making neccessary another plug and redrill.

                      ...I figured I wouldn't subject my USA to such a procedure...then again, maybe it would be worth it.

                      I'll probably just bring it into the authorized dealer, and I won't mention the small 'adjustment'...but still, I guess when it arrives at the factory they might see the work and send 'er back with a "void warranty" excuse. Hmmm.


                      • #12
                        thing is, usa selects are like customs, but in batch runs. often you will see those thing done to a guitar, tooth picks, paper clips, cardboard shims, it happens all the time.
                        "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                        • #13
                          take it to a tech and he should repair it...
                          Don`t waste your money on sending it to Jackson and back...
                          Cause they won`t touch it if they see that you did that think with
                          shaving of wood for do full range pull ups..
                          Cold Hollow Machinery


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Special-K View Post
                            take it to a tech and he should repair it...
                            Don`t waste your money on sending it to Jackson and back...
                            Cause they won`t touch it if they see that you did that think with
                            shaving of wood for do full range pull ups..

                            I don't really trust the techs here with that type of work, tho....maybe it's worth a shot.

                            The post of the trem arm would actually 'hit' the front of the cavity, you'd have to pop out the trem to see what was sanded it was painted to match..well, as much as you can with Ferrari Red.

                            Without that mod, the arm would only get about a tone and a half of pull it's fine.

                            Can anyone comment if they've had a fill and redrill done and had to do it again due to the wood expanding?


                            • #15
                     it turns out that the local dealer here will do the work...however, if it turns out that they need to ship back to Jackson, then I'd like to think they'll pay shipping...yeah right...sob!

                              Anyway, this guitar is great and I'm loving it. But the high E string issue is just the ONLY thing holding me back.

                              So my question is this..if the guys decide to plug and redrill, what complications could I have in future years with the instrument? I've heard different stories...I suppose I could always sell it in a few years anyway, but I really dig the guitar and IF the work on the trem is solid and will LAST, then I'll go for it.

                              Has this happened to anybody?

                              (PS..the small amount of wood removed, which was actually 'another' defect in retrospect, was sanded down and repainted to match. You can't even tell it was done, so I'm not worried on that side of things. Plus, any person can see that this trem is not centered..and THAT'S the issue. I'm kinda choked at the dealer who sold this to me for that reason...buyer beware, lesson learned...)

                              Please guys, any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

