What's up everybody? It's been a few years since I've posted on jcf and my other account (pSyChOTTic) must be inactive now cuz I can't log in (sorry mods).
Anyway, long story short...My wife moved to Denver at the end of May and I was able to save enough money to get 2 brand new SLH2's. The Graveyard (my dream guitar for several years) is an '04 that's been sitting in a shop untouched. The Nebula is an '07 straight from the factory, tagged May 31. Anyway, gotta run. I will post better pics later tonight.

Anyway, long story short...My wife moved to Denver at the end of May and I was able to save enough money to get 2 brand new SLH2's. The Graveyard (my dream guitar for several years) is an '04 that's been sitting in a shop untouched. The Nebula is an '07 straight from the factory, tagged May 31. Anyway, gotta run. I will post better pics later tonight.
