Well, I recently acquired RR0874. Its a black/gold Rhoads with factory Floyd. The original owner passed away and the guitar was sold to the seller I got it from. He informed me that it was in great condition without even so much as a ding on any of the tips or headstock! The original reciept itself is gone but a photocopy of it is still in the case as is the original customer half of the Charvel warranty card! There are only a few minor paint "depressions" for lack of a better term on the back of the guitar which I've seen on other San Dimas guitars. The frets are nice, binding is nice, the top is perfect, the gold Floyd is showing some tarnishing but amazingly not as bad as newer guitars I've seen. All in all its a true survivor in about 9 to 9.5 condition I'd say. Here are some pix I took in a hurry with on camera pop up flash under fluorescent lighting, not exactly the best shooting conditions but oh well, whadya want for free guitar porn? 

I Photoshoped out the original owner's name off the reciept, 1984!

No dings on headstock!

...or on wing!

A few small paint imperfections on the back:

Bad lighting came in handy for showing the construction:

...and finally the whole axe!


I Photoshoped out the original owner's name off the reciept, 1984!

No dings on headstock!

...or on wing!

A few small paint imperfections on the back:

Bad lighting came in handy for showing the construction:

...and finally the whole axe!
