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why did jackson switch from non-recessed to recessed floyds?

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  • #46
    Can we get a Halford-esque "resurrection!" on this thread?
    Blank yo!


    • #47


      • #48
        Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
        Can we get a Halford-esque "resurrection!" on this thread?
        Why yes we can my good man!
        'Howling in shadows
        Living in a lunar spell
        He finds his heaven
        Spewing from the mouth of hell'


        • #49
          So how much can you pull up on a non-recessed floyd without special routing?

          I've been playing on a TOM guitar for a while, and I think I greatly prefer the bridge height as compared to my guitars with a recessed floyd.

          I'm seriously contemplating that CS RR I've always wanted...


          • #50
            Originally posted by Ben Johnson View Post
            So how much can you pull up on a non-recessed floyd without special routing?
            It depends on how much of an angle the neck is to the body. On my Charvel Model 2, without shimming the neck, I can pull up pretty reaspnably far, at least a perfect 4th on the open g string before the bridge hits the body. But I have come across Floyds on Jacksons from the 80s that were very close to the body, limiting how far you could pull up...maybe a whole step before you hit the body.
            "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


            • #51
              I don't do many pull-ups, but I like the low-profile feel of a recessed Floyd.
              The Guitars:
              Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
              The Amps:
              Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet


              • #52
                I prefer non recessed. But if I remember correctly the early 90's Pro's had a non recessed neck angle but the body had a shallow recess cut in it for the ability to pull up. At least that's what I had on a Rhoads pro.


                • #53
                  I play with a Les Paul and an SL2H. I don't have issues with high or low bridges - they all work for me. But I sort of like the look of non-recessed better.

