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All is ready for my custom but...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by LEOKV2 View Post
    Why is it that nobody here seems to talk about Rico Jr. Guitars except me ?
    Because it's the Jackson / Charvel Forum. Not the Rico Jr. forum.

    For cripe's sake, Leo. Wading through the 1001 questions posted about the specs for your custom KV that never happened was painful enough. But now we have to listen to your consistent posts about how great Rico is, instead? 3 times in this one thread, alone? Give it a rest already, please.

    He wants a Jackson. Not a Rico. He already stated that. You're entitled to your own opinions, of course. And I'm not trying to give you a hard time. ...But incessently posting the same thing over and over in one thread - and many others, too - is a little bit like listening to a skipping record doing the same part over and over again. It can grate on ya, you know?


    • #32
      Dude, I'm asking since almost EVERYONE on this topic has been talking about Ran, Carvin, etc which are NOT JACKSONS. My question was simple, why don't people ever seem to talk about Rico Jr guitars WHEN they talk about different alternatives from Jackson ?


      • #33
        Because no-one seems to be buying them?


        • #34
          Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
          Because no-one seems to be buying them?

          No, I mean, really? I bought 2 they're in the building process (4 months from now). But, I mean, why is this? Do they suck? For all that I know a lot of people on other forums seem to buy these and say it's the bomb, as well as a lot of store owners keep telling me that the quality is better than Jackson. So that's why I'm curious about why do people prefer buying "copy" guitars made in Poland rather than something really cool done in the USA.


          • #35
            Couldn't say. I've never played one. And many of the BC-like body designs have never appealed to me much to being with. That said, I find it really strange that you keep recommending them over and over again, if you haven't even played one yourself.


            • #36
              Originally posted by shreddermon View Post
              Couldn't say. I've never played one. And many of the BC-like body designs have never appealed to me much to being with. That said, I find it really strange that you keep recommending them over and over again, if you haven't even played one yourself.
              Yup but I bought the whole concept and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be great. Plus, here in Peru we can't try much out...

              I've asked a lot of people who I know that they own CS Jacksons (in the USA) and also Custom Rico's and they all said to me that the Rico is by far a much better made guitar, in terms of quality and sound.


              • #37
                Originally posted by LEOKV2 View Post
                Yup but I bought the whole concept and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be great. Plus, here in Peru we can't try much out...

                I've asked a lot of people who I know that they own CS Jacksons (in the USA) and also Custom Rico's and they all said to me that the Rico is by far a much better made guitar, in terms of quality and sound.
                all ready for the jump, make sure to close your eyes before you fall.
                "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                • #38
                  I have to chime in here because I actually own a Jackson Custom Shop.

                  I played 4 different Suhrs just the other day. I played some G& Ls that day along with some James Trussarts. I have played Andersons, Bakers, Zions, Warriors, Langcasters, Parker Flys, and the like when it comes to the elite high end custom boutique guitars.

                  I have played most guitars out there - Kramer, Ernie Ball, Peavey, etc...

                  I have owned an original Gibson Firebird, and SG, a Fender Strat, a Hamer Californian, a Custom Robin Medley, an Ibanez JEM, a Jackson Warrior, a Jackson SL2, a Jackson PC1, a Hamer Vector, a PRS, a San Dimas Charvel and probably some I am not remembering.

                  Nothing I have played or owned holds a candle to my JCS. Nothing I have felt has the quality of it - not even close. The playability and sound are spectacular.

                  There have been other great sounding guitars. There have been other great playing guitars - Parker Fly for example. But nothing has had all 3 like the JCS - playability, sound and quality that is just off the charts sick.

                  Go over to the Moser Shredder forum and read about Rico Jr. guitars - there is a thread over there about them.

                  You are NOT going to find any guitar better than a Jackson Custom shop period. There are some as good I'm sure in about the $8K range - but Rico Jr. ain't one of them. And the higher end guitars cost a lot because they are hand built by a very small operation and/or they have flamboyant options.

                  The only one I can think of that I would consider 1) On Par with Jackson and 2) A Custom Shred guitar of equal quality - would be Moser Custom Shop. Suhr is coming out next year with a newly designed 24 fretter also but they are unproven as of yet.

                  I may get a couple other guitars just for GAS sake - maybe Moser or a Suhr. But if I had only one guitar to chose on this planet it would be my Jackson Custom Shop
                  Last edited by shredmonster; 08-31-2007, 10:29 AM.
                  PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by shredmonster View Post
                    I have to chime in here because I actually own a Jackson Custom Shop.

                    I played 4 different Suhrs just the other day. I played some G& Ls that day along with some James Trussarts. I have played Andersons, Bakers, Zions, Warriors, Langcasters, Parker Flys, and the like when it comes to the elite high end custom boutique guitars.

                    I have played most guitars out there - Kramer, Ernie Ball, Peavey, etc...

                    I have owned an original Gibson Firebird, and SG, a Fender Strat, a Hamer Californian, a Custom Robin Medley, an Ibanez JEM, a Jackson Warrior, a Jackson SL2, a Jackson PC1, a Hamer Vector, a PRS, a San Dimas Charvel and probably some I am not remembering.

                    Nothing I have played or owned holds a candle to my JCS. Nothing I have felt has the quality of it - not even close. The playability and sound are spectacular.

                    There have been other great sounding guitars. There have been other great playing guitars - Parker Fly for example. But nothing has had all 3 like the JCS - playability, sound and quality that is just off the charts sick.

                    Go over to the Moser Shredder forum and read about Rico Jr. guitars - there is a thread over there about them.

                    You are NOT going to find any guitar better than a Jackson Custom shop period. There are some as good I'm sure in about the $8K range - but Rico Jr. ain't one of them. And the higher end guitars cost a lot because they are hand built by a very small operation and/or they have flamboyant options.

                    The only one I can think of that I would consider 1) On Par with Jackson and 2) A Custom Shred guitar of equal quality - would be Moser Custom Shop. Suhr is coming out next year with a newly designed 24 fretter also but they are unproven as of yet.

                    I may get a couple other guitars just for GAS sake - maybe Moser or a Suhr. But if I had only one guitar to chose on this planet it would be my Jackson Custom Shop
                    but have you played Rico Jr.s ?


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by shreddermon View Post


                        • #42
                          I believe carvin and Ran were suggested due to the original thread starters budget.

                          I dont recall saying that Ran were the be all and end all of custom guitars, I would like a Jackson custom shop however I wouldnt pay the current prices fo a guitar I can get easily elsewhere for a lot less...

                          Doesent help the ammount of peole who've recieved guitars with suprises on them...

                          However I do love jackson and wold love a custom h-s-h soloist with a maple board one day...

                          But right now i'm quite happy with jackson imports and Ran's...

                          It doesent help matters that every post you seem to make pimps brjnr's guitars...

                          I've posted pics of my custom ran's and told peple about them when they have asked, but I dont go on and on and on and on about them at every opportunity...

                          And no I havent tried a bernie rico nor do I really wan't to they to me are ugly like the moser gutiars, I do like a few bcr style guitars warlock with a 6il pointy headstock, and gunslingers...

                          just a Q to the thread starter did you decide to go with carvin? or will you pay out for a jcs?


                          • #43
                            I have heard nothing but bad things about the Rico jr's everyone I talked to said Moser Custom Shop is where its at.

                            Me personally I have only played the original USA BCs so I cant comment.


                            • #44
                              So did the quote from Jackson come out to $8kish, or is that just speculation?

                              And Ran still won't be cheap with specs like yours, but it will definitely be cheaper than Jackson, and I've heard great things about them and the pics on their site look amazing.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by KMud View Post
                                Does everyone's case smell like toffies or is it just mine? I'm not sure whether you're being literal, but my US Jackson case smells lush

                                Yes, I only have 1
                                I know this is off topic, but yeah, my case smells like toffies, also.
                                Model 88 gray chainsaw type case. Japanese guitar.

                                If I HAD to have one, just to have one, and didn't have the cash,
                                I'd say wait. How long can prices like this really hold up? Or, (I know it kind of misses the point of an individually spec'd guitar), buy a used one.

