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ideas about cs: messer"king v" schmitt

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  • #16
    the graphic contains a german army cross as you can see. so if the cross is going to be problem than the graphic is going to be a problem too. it is a little odd. cross of iron is being used in chopper and any other guitar companies also it represents both reiches and its totally acceptable.but this is a ordinary cross. i hope it is possible. i found a picture of a plane wich is svastika free on purpose. normally there is a little svastika on the back of the tail. i hope i can get away with this.


    • #17
      Cool idea! I'm also very intersted in WWII and aviation.

      The iron cross should definitely not be a problem because it was used before, during and after the third reich. It's in use today too in the german military. Also alot of ppl/companies in america are using it, west coast choppers and many more.

      The german cross pretty much the same thing as above, it's a military sign, not a nazi sign.

      The swastika cross is an OLD sign, hitler turned it around (original swastika is counter-clockwise) and used it as his. Technically it should be no problem unless you live in germany, they are illegal there. In america and europe you see swastikas quite often (DVDs, Books, TV, computer games etc) Someone might have a personal problem with it though.


      • #18
        Hmmmmmm off topic but generated by this topic- I have a vision of a red soloist or Rhoads, all red, with an Iron Cross on it- Neck through, painted neck to keep it red, red, red, single hum, white binding, iron cross inlays.....or maybe just blank?

        Red Baron. That red/black combo with an ebony board would look amazing (in my brain- anyone got custom shop gen skillz?) Hell, it wouldn't even be TOO much of a custom (inlays & graphic, single hum).

        Now THAT would be an iconic axe (if I do say so myself).



        • #19

          i did some paint job but couldnt do the iron cross. its angled so paint program is kinda hard to do those stuff. enjoy !


          • #20
            wouldn't it be better with a emg which is painted over with a big iron cross?


            • #21
              Originally posted by skarhead View Post
              The company was banned from post war Germany - or to be more exact they were banned from making any kind of aircraft.
              In fact the company was banned to use it's name as a trademark but the MBB (Messerschmidt-Belkow-Blom) group is heavily involved into the aircraft building.
              Because I don't say it
              Doesn't mean I ain't thinking it


              • #22
                I really like the "Red Baron" theme guitar. Would prefer it on a KV2 with two humbuckers. I agree its not really that much of a custom. What do you think the chance would be to get a limited batch of these going? I have one of the KV2X guitars that Scott at VWall guitars had made (Still one of my favorite guitars). The KV2X was a reasonably priced guitar. If there is some real interest from others here, lets see if VWall or one of the other Jackson dealers could get something like this going for a reasonable price ~$2250?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by skarhead View Post
                  wouldn't it be better with a emg which is painted over with a big iron cross?
                  thats the best i can do i did that cross on paint. i support you about the painted emg thing. it would be much better.


                  • #24
                    Happy you are still lovin the KV2X!
                    That was a badass guitar run!

                    If you guys are serious about getting this put together, send me over final specs and I will work with Jackson and hopefully we can make it happen.


                    • #25
                      Serious about the Baron? Oh I'd love it..... If it somehow came out around $2k I'd be down.
                      Thanks for the work, Destructin....VERY close to what I was thinking.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by destructin_od View Post

                        I like the graphic you chose, however, I'd ask the artist to leave off the drop tank that is falling away. Give a dealer a chance to see if Jackson will build it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your artwork or inlays. The tailfin is missing the swastika and let's face it, Jackson has been offering "Iron Cross" inlays for years. Is destruction-od's inlay idea any more politically incorrect? Give me a friggin' break.

                        Dan Lawrence has painted plenty of "German Camo" graphics with this cross on it. Why all of a sudden would this be a problem? FMIC let these out the door with this cross on it.

                        BOTTOM LINE: If Jackson won't build your dream guitar, find someone WHO WILL.
                        Last edited by StukaJU87; 09-20-2007, 07:07 AM.
                        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                        • #27
                          Hey Vass and Destruction_OD I was going to try to use some of the programs I have this weekend to try and get the Iron Cross up to snuff. I would like to lay it out with the cross in the middle. I am real inetersted in this guitar. If I get this done (or if someone else does) maybe we should start a new thread and see if there will be some more interest generated. I don't know how many Scott at VWall would require to get the ball rolling. I am actually fine with the RR1, Floyd, and EMG(s). Also liked the black and white bevels.


                          • #28
                            Hmmm any other interest in this?



                            • #29
                              i dont know why you couldn't get those crosses for inlays,and i believe the germans still use that symbol today on tanks and planes


                              • #30
                                I sent a jpg of the Red Baron with a small list of specs to Scott at VWall. I hope I am not stepping on anyones toes. The specs were intended to just get a ball park price from Jackson. I still can't figure out how to post a pic on this site. When I try to insert image it asks for a http:/ page ???? and at the bottom post rules, it states I may not post attachments. Anyway, when Scott hears back from Jackson, we can get a concensus on the specs. Incidentally, the specs I sent were as follows:
                                Ebony fretboard with binding
                                Iron Cross inlays
                                Reverse Headstock - painted to match the body
                                EMG pickup (pickups?)
                                Ferrari Red with white bevels and black pinstripes
                                recessed Floyd Rose
                                Iron Cross between the pickups - painted pickup covers

