<kicks a tyre on dad's car> "hey son, wtf are you doing? that car will fall apart!"
Actually, I'm not a tyre kicker. I'm just sick of waiting for "special orders". Thankfully, I've only got one order to wait for, and a partial deposit on another at the mo. Why would I wanna buy a guitar and go through a similar experience to that time when I bought a BC Rich without trying it, only to wind up with a 3 month delivery wait, followed by 8 months of fucked up replacements? But then to be told it's a "Custom shop" when clearly it is not is a complete and utter insult. The reason my guitars stay in good condition, is because I respect both my property and those of others. If shops are too paranoid (especially those where I've traded in my own guitars for more expensive ones), then they can fuck themselves. Had that guy let me try that rosewooded DK1, I could have easily got it on finance through one of my parents. His loss, not mine.
