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PC1 serial number question for all you experts please!

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  • PC1 serial number question for all you experts please!

    Still in shock and total awe over my newly arrived PC1!

    Question is how can I only have a 4 digit serial number ? 82XX

    I just read this from the Jackson website and that adds more confusion to my question....

    "In the spring of 1990, the four digit Jackson neck plate was reserved for custom instruments only. All production bolt on instruments were given the six-digit USA series neck plate"

  • #2
    Yours has a 6 digit serial... those leading 00's count.

    0082xx = 6 digit serial.


    • #3
      Sorry no, there are no extra zeros, just four digits stamped on the plate.


      • #4
        Interesting... that would definitely make it a Customs Shop piece.
        Or someone swapped the plate. Or Jackson F'd up and put the wrong plate on the guitar.
        Take the neck off and see if the serial matches up with what's written in the neck heel and pocket.


        • #5
          Yeah, it's a CS piece Mike Shannon did have his mitts on it at the J/C Clinic at Fullers. Nobody swapped the plate on this one. I know, I bought it brandy new and had to wait 2 months to get it once it was ordered. All the recent PC1's I've seen have 4 digit serial numbers. My Limited has 4 digits as well. I am far from an expert on the PC1 serial numbers, but all the recent ones, I've seen (2004 and up) have 4 digit serial numbers. Possibly some owners of the newer ones can chime in here as to what they have. Of course the best way to know is to give J/C Customer Service a call.
          Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


          • #6
            Ahh.. so it is a CS piece... what is different about it from the production guitars?

            That's very interesting that new ones are getting 4 digit serials.
            They are still considered a regular production guitar and are part of the USA Artist Signature series (even though it's the only one in the series).
            Mine is a late model 2004 PC1 (built Nov 2004) and it has a 6 digit serial on an Ontario plate.


            • #7
              There is nothing different as a far as options on that one. Hence, the only two month wait. I figure they are getting lazy and dropped the zero's? I don't know. I guess it depends on who's job it is to do the stamping that day
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #8
                Here's a theory... does it have a Corona plate or an Ontario plate?
                FMIC may have decided to change the serial numbering on them.


                • #9
                  Ontario plate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bengal65 View Post
                    Possibly some owners of the newer ones can chime in here as to what they have.
                    Mine's an '07 (final insp. 10/22/07). Has a 6 digit S/N. Aside from that, neck plate just say's "Jackson" and "Made in U.S.A." No location.

