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SL2H pricing?

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  • SL2H pricing?

    I was at my local GC at lunch messing around and came across a trans blue SL2H for $1100.00 new. I haven't been pricing Jackson's lately and wondered if this was a decent deal or if they are still high? I know MAP is somewhere around $1800.00, plus this guitar has a bit of the typical GC abuse (kids with coats,belts etc..) but nothing really bad. It doesn't have any tags or paperwork on the guitar itself so who knows how old or long it's been there. I do know it had a clearance tag on it, but the price didn't seem that great for me to pull the trigger on it while I was there. Thanks.

  • #2
    It's an ok price for a second hand. And since it's in second hand condition, It's ok, I guess.
    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


    • #3
      I saw the same thing at a local GC. That price does not include a case. GC must be trying to get rid of the tras blue SL2Hs for some reason.


      • #4
        dannyr, I found out the same thing as far as not getting a case with the guitar when I called them this afternoon.


        • #5
          That really irks me. GC doesn't have a case for a guitar they're selling as new? Total BS. Don't be afraid to play some hardball w these guys and say u ain't biting w/o one, and not for more $$ either! You may even be able to bring the selling price down further, with the scratches already on it, etc.
          "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."

