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  • #16
    Originally posted by DonP View Post

    Your aren't being completely honest. Your Bengal is an SL2HT. I wish you were closer so that we could compare side-by-side against my SL2H Bengal to see if the extra wood helps or hurts the tone.
    aha! You's been paying attention to my threads. yes, I've owned two SL2HT's cause I'm a sucker for the humbucker in the neck position. Thick meaty, mid-rangy and all that. I read about the SL1's routing in another thread. I haven't owned a SL1 yet.

    Originally posted by kelvinator View Post
    Here's a twist to the question, if you could only get 1 which one would it be?



    • #17


      • #18
        People say the SL2H has more sustain because of less routing and less pull on the strings due to no single coils.
        "Hard work is for people short on talent." -George Carlin


        • #19
          Originally posted by Holy Diver View Post
          People say the SL2H has more sustain because of less routing and less pull on the strings due to no single coils.
          i think those people should put down the crack pipe


          • #20
            Originally posted by j2379 View Post
            i think those people should put down the crack pipe
            But people on crack make such good music. Look at Amy Winehouse. lol
            "Hard work is for people short on talent." -George Carlin


            • #21
              Originally posted by Holy Diver View Post
              People say the SL2H has more sustain because of less routing and less pull on the strings due to no single coils.
              Pickup height has more influence on sustain then pickup type. I know a couple guys with h/s/s guitars that don't use anything but the bridge pickup so have the other two lowered all the way down. When they play my h/h guitars with both pickups adjusted higher they complain about the sustain and blame it on the neck hum. I lowered it all the way down one day to prove my point to them. Pickup height also adjusts tone and volume so it's a balancing act when setting height, there is usually a noticeable sweet spot. This is greatly minimized with active pickups such as emg, on one of mine I replaced passive pickups with emg the sustain was very improved. Typically hotter pickups of either type have less sustain then lower output models but I think this is all really starting to split hairs. Then you have to factor in the moon's gravitational pull co-efficient . . . jk

              I think the sl1 and sl2h have the same body and neck wood but the sl2h-mah has mahogany instead. If it has more sustain it could be due more to the differences in wood then pickups. Maybe. Another one is fixed bridges tend to have more sustain then trems.


              • #22
                I have a SL1 and a SL2H. Both are great guitars. See if you can play both to form your own opinion. The SL1 is more versatile IMO because I can get both single coil and humbucking sounds.


                • #23
                  I have an SL1 and the stock single coils are crap in my opinion. They were rather muddy and lifeless and then there's the volume issue as well. I exchanged mine for a lil'59 in the neck and a duckbucker in the middle for a nice strat-like twang when combined with the JB4. I am happy with that combo.


                  • #24
                    My 86 soloist is s-s-h and has the stock Jackson pups from back then. It's a J90 in the bridge and the singles are stickerred j100. I like em....pretty versitile. All 3 on makes for an awesome clean sound.
                    Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                    Check out the new band at -


                    • #25
                      My SL2 has more sustain then my Gibson LP does. I think it,s a standard SL2 and not a SL2mh, so I can just imagine what they sustain like.
                      "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

                      I hate stupid people.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jacksonchick View Post
                        My SL2 has more sustain then my Gibson LP does. I think it,s a standard SL2 and not a SL2mh, so I can just imagine what they sustain like.
                        That's not saying much for your LP

                        What pickups are in your LP, and what pickups are in the SL2H? If the LP has PAF style pickups, it's not really a fair comparison.

                        I have 4 LPs.

                        But my lowly Jackson Fusion PRO (bolt on, stock low output pickups) seems to have an unnatural amount of sustain.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DonP View Post
                          That's not saying much for your LP

                          What pickups are in your LP, and what pickups are in the SL2H? If the LP has PAF style pickups, it's not really a fair comparison.

                          I have 4 LPs.

                          But my lowly Jackson Fusion PRO (bolt on, stock low output pickups) seems to have an unnatural amount of sustain.
                          Well, I don't have it anymore. It was a AAA top plus LP, so whatever comes in them. My SL2 is stock, so whatever picks comes in it.
                          "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

                          I hate stupid people.



                          • #28
                            Still no way to nail what type of pickups came in your LP without knowing the year.

                            2001 and earlier (to about 1990?) Gibson used the fairly hot 498T, similar in specs to a weak Duncan Custom 5.

                            2002 and later Standards had the Burstbucker Pros, a PAF style pickup.

                            Both have less output than the TB4 that comes in an SL2H, but a 2002 and later LP would have a lot less output and sustain.


                            • #29
                              Historic Les Pauls used the Classic '57 PAF Type in the late 90s through 2002. 2003 went to Burst Buckers. THe 57 is a great pickup and is used on many Gibsons. It has 2 equally wound coils vs the Bustbuckers unequally wound coils.
                              FS: Kramer Focus 6000
                              WTB: Jackson USA Soloist

