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DK1 Advice

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  • DK1 Advice

    I am considering bringing a DK1 into the family - I am used to playing an SL1, so I'm looking for advice from anyone who's a DK1 fan - neck, fretboard, EMG's - Will this fold into my mostly Seymour Duncan powered family??

  • #2
    I loved everything about my old DK1. ...Everything but the EMGs. They're killer axes. Very Charvel pointyhead-ish in many respects. Especially the necks.

    ...You can always swap out the pickups. Or, better yet, find yourself a good Fleabay deal on a Charvel pointyhead w/Duncans. Probably get a good deal, that way. Unless you feel like you need the binding and sharkies. Can't go wrong either way.


    • #3
      I can only comment on the neck.

      My DK1 necked KE3 seems thinner than my neck-thru or set-neck J/C guitars. I think I like a finished neck over the raw oiled neck. I have MIJ Fusions that I seem to like the finished neck on. I don't have sweety hands so the finished necks feel glassy smooth to me.

      I like both neck-thrus and bolt-ons, but I feel it's justified paying the higher price for a neck-thru. I could never justify spending more than $500 for a bolt-on, and in fact I've never spent more than $300 for any bolt-on guitar. But then again I've spent $2550 on a Les Paul and I'm sure some would find this outrageous.

      I haven't changed out the KE3 Duncan Designed pickups in this axe yet. Just not a high priority.


      • #4
        Originally posted by DonP View Post
        I've never spent more than $300 for any bolt-on guitar.
        Might that may be why you don't like them as much?

        Not trying to be an idiot, just asking...

        I love my bolt-on custom shop dinky... what a machine!!!

        (and, a bit more than 300 fun-tickets)

        "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


        • #5
          I guess the field is mixed on this - but that's ok - I'm probably most concerned with the sound of the EMG's as compared to the Seymour Duncans that I'm used to.


          • #6
            I must admit, I don't really like the neck on my DK1 - it feels thinner and flatter than my Charvel necks. Just kind of soul-less really....
            Popular is not the same as good
            Rare is not the same as valuable
            Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


            • #7
              i loved my old DK1 (wish i never sold it) The necks are super fast, and smooth. If your a duncan guy you wont probably like the sound of the EMGs. But overall i love the DK1 and probably will end up getting another one when the right deal comes around


              • #8
                Originally posted by nhspike View Post
                Might that may be why you don't like them as much?

                Not trying to be an idiot, just asking...

                I love my bolt-on custom shop dinky... what a machine!!!

                (and, a bit more than 300 fun-tickets)

                Actually I love all of my bolt-ons. I have a
                DK2 Purple that I spent $ on converting the hardware from chrome to gold
                Jackson Fusion Professional
                Jackson Fusion Professional Neck w/Charvel Fusion Deluxe body. EMG81 / EMG-S wired for 18 volts.
                Kelly Star with EMG81b / EMG85n and an SPC Boost
                Charvel Fusion Deluxe (stock)
                KE3 with a DK1 neck
                2 Aria Pro II's
                Fender MIM Strat

                I'm probably forgetting someone. But if I'm going to get over $500, it better be a set neck or neck thru.


                • #9
                  "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."

