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Fusion Porn

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  • Fusion Porn

    Check out the woodchopper Uncle Al dug up recently...


    "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."

  • #2
    Thanks Spike, you need to show me how you post pictures... I think I can I think I can.. It's a thing of beauty.. closets across America should force out these unplayed wonders and works of art.. It's a crying shame. It's free now though. I have left the case open for a week so it gets used to sunlight and its new surroundings, walk carefully around it , no sudden or irregular movements.. soon I'll be able to handle the critter.. And she'll come home to mama!!


    • #3
      Looks to be in a good bit better shape than the one i just got, plus yours says made in usa, I was kinda under the impression mine was as well, but it doesn't say it, ser# is J00014.
      I don't care either way, it's friking awesome guitar, all mop inlay and logo, deep black ebony, plays sweet, frets a bit worn but alright. My bridge pickup isn't covered like that.
      Round how much it cost? I got mine for about 5 hundy with case and shipped. I probably don't want to know :P
      It seems they are a rare find so i snatched it without much price checking...I'm not dissapointed, i can't put it down!


      • #4
        I snatched the critter for 9 big ones... Got a mij fushion the week before for 5 1/2 shipped, similar condition but in met/gray. Both guitars look the same except the mij model uses more letters from the alphabet on the headstock. So I guess you did well with your score.. They seem to be difficult to find.


        • #5
          More letters from the alphabet?, lol, that's a different way to put it.
          What does it say?, are the cavity covers on the mij metal or plastic?
          Mine seems to have been owned by a die hard player, is electronics have been modified in some way, not sure yet how.
          Has seen some action for sure, but was well cared for, considering it came with a polish cloth in the case, as well as a very 80's strap, hehe.
          Also it had been signed by Vinnie Moore, wich just adds to the mystery of it, i suppose...
          Last edited by Trem; 02-23-2008, 09:43 PM.


          • #6
            very nice! Great colour
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Vinnie Moore (April 14, 1964, New Castle, Delaware) is a guitarist and a member of the British hard rock band UFO. Along with Yngwie Malmsteen,
              Yes, the made in Japan model the cavity covers are plastic. The usa model are metal. Very cool that yours is signed. Do you think he owned yours at one point? Or he just signed a bunch for a guitar store promo? Cool none the less. Both axes the mij and the usa play the same as far as Im concerned... I guess when I get a bit better, I'll be able to tell subtle differences.


              • #8
                The made in Japan model says Jackson Professional, the USA model says made in USA...the mij fusion sucks up an additonal 2 letters which could have been used somewhere else in the world. They could have sent those to Africa or somewhere...
                Trem, your ser# is very low.. I guess that means it was the 14th one made? Maybe someone can answer that question? My mij fusion is ser#1003 maybe when they first started they were just learning and they might have made yours out of bamboo and natural surroundings materials.. and the first 30 or 40 of those thin necks got sold to the local archery shop until they finally got those suckers dialed into the beauties they are now.... just teasing.. I lived over there in the early 80's and one thing I know, they are awesome craftsman! They take great pride in most anything they put their name on. You got a nice axe.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by theone1958 View Post
                  ...maybe when they first started they were just learning and they might have made yours out of bamboo and natural surroundings materials...
                  Uncle Al, you're a nutjob!
                  "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."


                  • #10
                    Lol man, your cracking me up
                    I was starting to worry bout yeh, :ROTF:
                    Yep, I know who Vinnie Moore is, i've actually hung out with him after one of his shows, very cool mellow guy, sat at the bar and just bullshited, very cool dude. I bought his first album when they still sold music on vinyl I did not however know he was in UFO, Yngwie in UFO??. If they were it is news to me on that.
                    Well i looked it up earlier, and from what i can tell, it's a 1990 Fusion Pro, MIJ. It just says Jackson on the hs. Cavity plates are metal, they coulda been changed from plastic, or maybe the first out the door were metal.
                    And i was wrong in quoting the Ser, it is actually 900014 not j00014 which actually doesn't match up with anything posted at jackson or az. they say they are supposed to start with a J, or a 0 so, i dunno, it's all very confusing on some of those, but i'm pretty sure it's a Fusion Pro, MIJ, one of the first ones out the gate yeah.


                    • #11
                      I used to have one just like that. Nice guitar


                      • #12
                        Trem, the serial number 900014, means that it was manufactured in 1990 the 14th unit, but Im not sure why the headstock doesn't say professional... ?? You mentioned that it has mop inlay, and it has an ebony fret board... that would surely make it a professional. Unless I got my facts twangled. (homemade word) Perhaps you should snap a pic so we can spy it... These guys on here will shed the correct light on the subject. I would like to know myself.


                        • #13
                          Yeah i need to post some pics, but no camera, i need to borrow my bros.
                          I will be posting a group shot of my lot when the last one arrives
                          Since joining the JCF this Dec. after a decade of not playing, or having any guitars, in two months i have 5 jacksons and a BR rich jv deluxe on the way. MUhahaha.... someone please stop me before i have to sell a kidney


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Trem View Post
                            Yeah i need to post some pics, but no camera, i need to borrow my bros.
                            I will be posting a group shot of my lot when the last one arrives
                            Since joining the JCF this Dec. after a decade of not playing, or having any guitars, in two months i have 5 jacksons and a BR rich jv deluxe on the way. MUhahaha.... someone please stop me before i have to sell a kidney
                            I have a similar "problem"...
                            I like to say these clowns gave me my life back.
                            It certainly has aroused the passion to work on, and play, these great guitars
                            I have sitting around!


                            • #15
                              Trem, geesh.. or geeesum, as they say in New England.. 5 guitars in 2 mths..I'm wondering if you might have set some sort of world record? It is addicting for sure, I think it is sort of like collecting art... Thanks to my brother Spike, I too have been roped into the collecting. I'm wondering if he secretly works for the Jacksons' marketing department and travels the internet roping people into the luring purchases of Jackson axes...He swears by them, and know lots regarding them... he has been playing and teaching forever and has a rather nice collection himself.
                              Can't wait to see your pictures.

