After many months of looking for a SL2H in Canada, I've found a SL2H Nebula in my Province. Unfortunately, it was actually a SL2HT, so I bailed on it
. Anyway, I've just sold my Ibanez, so I now have $2,400 to burn.
I'm getting my local guitar store (Long & McQuade) to call Jackson tomorrow about a Nebula SL2H to see if they have one built. If not, there's a nice SL2H Shattered Glass already in Canada.
Either way... expect an orgasm of guitar porn in a week or two.
Wish me luck that J/C have that Nebula SL2H, I'm GAS'ing for one like you would not believe.
EDIT: This thread would not be complete without a meaningless poll!

I'm getting my local guitar store (Long & McQuade) to call Jackson tomorrow about a Nebula SL2H to see if they have one built. If not, there's a nice SL2H Shattered Glass already in Canada.
Either way... expect an orgasm of guitar porn in a week or two.

Wish me luck that J/C have that Nebula SL2H, I'm GAS'ing for one like you would not believe.

EDIT: This thread would not be complete without a meaningless poll!
