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Wait time for Jackson CS?

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  • Wait time for Jackson CS?

    I heard the wait time to get a custom shop axe is around 4 years. Is this true? Seems like a LONG friggin time to wait when your paying for $5000+ guitar.

  • #2
    It was about 2 years but I hear it is less these days.


    • #3
      Mine was about a 14 month wait back in 2006.


      • #4
        Whoever told you that is smokin' dope. My last custom guitar - which just arrived a few weeks ago - took just about 12 months. I'd say 12 to 15 months is the average.

        And I sure hope that $5,000 figure is full list price. Otherwise, you might want to shop around for another dealer.


        • #5
          Yeah, like Pat says, 12-15 months is about the norm. Though they're currently quoting delivery in 4 months, which I'd bet is complete bullshit....
          Popular is not the same as good
          Rare is not the same as valuable
          Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


          • #6
            4 years??? Now that's a long time to wait!

            Give me a call if you have any questions about the ordering process, I'm happy to help any way I can!


            Matt's Music Center
            35 Pleasant St
            Weymouth MA 02190 USA
            Special deals for JCF members on Jackson/Charvel, Suhr, Anderson, Nash, Splawn, Bogner, LSL, Ibanez, Diezel, Friedman, Bad Cat, 3rd Power, Dr. Z, ENGL and more. FREE SHIPPING! 0% FINANCING!


            • #7
              Listen to Pat and Ian. Between them they have some beautiful Custom Shops and know what they're talking about.
              "The BLUES is the tonic for what ails ya."


              • #8
                They CAN be quick. I had a CS guitar on order which was finished and delivered after only 6 month. Unfortunately they did something wrong and the guitar went back. It took them 18 more months to fix it... but that's a different story...


                • #9
                  What was the problem with your guitar busdriver? Shreddermon mentions an admission of fault with his green Charvel too, but as far as I know never said what the problem was and how long it took to straighten out. Share the knowledge folks. People considering laying down serious coin deserve to know what they may be in for...


                  • #10
                    Most of the time, the faults I've seen / heard about on CS guitars have been because they have not followed the workorder correctly, rather than build quality issues.

                    So we've had switches in the wrong place, incorrectly recessed controls, guitars being rebuilt because they've had too many frets (24 when it should have been 22), wrong inlays / pinstripes etc etc.

                    They are things that should most definitely not have happened, but to give Jackson their due, they have generally made it right, one way or another.

                    The thing I dislike most when a rebuild is required is that they don't rush it through as a priority so you can just end up waiting twice as long (depending how far down the first build the problem was spotted) and most likely there will be two very similar guitars out there instead of your one, unique (?) guitar. So basically, Jackson still make the money out of the fuckup guitar, a dealer still makes his money on the fuckup, and the customer just effectively gets told 'tough shit, you'll have to wait'. And wait. And wait.

                    Still, it can't be that bad otherwise I wouldn't be thinking of ordering more....

                    What I would recomend to anyone ordering a custom shop is to spell out absolutely EVERYTHING - don't assume a common understanding on anything, cos it most likely isn't there. And also, request progress pics regularly so you can spot if anything is amiss.
                    Last edited by neilli; 04-09-2008, 10:53 AM.
                    Popular is not the same as good
                    Rare is not the same as valuable
                    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                    • #11
                      There were no issues at all with my green Charvel. The "mea culpa" I mentioned related to troubles with another - much prior - custom guitar order. I chose to not post the details of that experience because:

                      a) It is self-defeating to publically slag someone that you're trying to work out a problem with. That's just common sense. And, if that issue gets resolved to both parties' satisfaction (which mine did), you don't go slagging them for it after the fact, either. That's just bad faith.

                      b) The "new administration" in charge at J/C went above and beyond to resolve my issues. (Which started well before they were in charge.) So I would have no concerns doing custom shop orders now.

                      In fact, I only mentioned the issue in that other thread to let people know that, after the bad experiences, the "new guys" went a long way to restoring my faith in the J/C custom shop. They very much deserved "props" for their efforts. ...Not to mention delivering a killer guitar.

                      In fact, I've sent in orders for two more custom shop guitars since then, and am working on a possible third one, too.


                      • #12
                        The above dude said it. Spell out EVERYTHING - where the switches go specifically - line em up under here or there but spell it out.

                        Hell I give them neck thickness at the 1st and 12th fret as well as width, size of nut, frets etc... If its a maple top I specify the thickness I want - every friggen detail.
                        Toggle switch or blade?

                        Sometimes I will get a volume control from RS Guitarworks and send it to the builder.
                        Sometimes I specify the length and shape of the headstock I want. Depends on the guitar of course.

                        As far as wait time........:ROTF:
                        PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                        • #13
                          A sales guy local dealer I was working with said it best;if you don't put a small book in the comments area of the spec sheet, chances are something will be done wrong


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MEX3 View Post
                            What was the problem with your guitar busdriver?
                            They forgot the body binding

