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KV1 Opinions requested

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  • KV1 Opinions requested

    Ok. I have come across this guitar, and have been offered the guitar for $900.

    Is it really with it to pay $900 for a guitar with so many dings on it? Here are the pictures that I was provided with. It looks like the screws around the pickups are rusted too.

    He sais that he's had it re fretted last year, which means that it's had mondo playing hours on it. It might be a perfect guitar for gigging actually,,but $900?

    What should I offer him?

  • #2
    You are unlikely to find a KV1 for cheaper than that IMO. Without those dings and chips, you should expect to pay another $300-500 more at least. As for the pickup screws, they are cheap, just replace them. I'd say go for it, but offer him $800 cash first.
    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


    • #3
      If you dont, I will
      - Adam


      • #4
        That would make a cool refin project. I don't care for someone's scribbles on my headstock anyways.
        "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
        - Ken M


        • #5
          Definetely ask for more pictures, especially of the fretwork.


          • #6
            I'd offer him a polishing cloth and a ticket to CarryHisAssVille. $900 is too much for that guitar. $650, tops.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
              I'd offer him a polishing cloth and a ticket to CarryHisAssVille. $900 is too much for that guitar. $650, tops.

              I disagree. That's a USA made Jackson which is in playable condition (actually much better than only playable) 650$ is way too cheap for a USA Jackson considering it doesn't have any issues. If the refret was done good I think 900$ is a decent price for it. I personally don't care for the dings (yeah they lower the value but I mean how much? they are only cosmetic..) and the screws are easily replaceable
              Check my bands!


              • #8
                "That's a USA made Jackson which is in playable condition"

                You're making an assumption having never actually seen it. Matter of fact, so am I. But I can see the pictures provided and if a guitar is in that piss poor cosmetic condition, it makes me wonder about the rest of the guitar. For instance, what condition is the neck in? Is it bowed, twisted, etc? How are the electronics?

                Just because it's a USA made Jackson doesn't mean it's not a USA turd.


                • #9
                  really? even if it Still needed a refret it's worth 900, are you kidding.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                    "That's a USA made Jackson which is in playable condition"

                    You're making an assumption having never actually seen it. Matter of fact, so am I. But I can see the pictures provided and if a guitar is in that piss poor cosmetic condition, it makes me wonder about the rest of the guitar. For instance, what condition is the neck in? Is it bowed, twisted, etc? How are the electronics?

                    Just because it's a USA made Jackson doesn't mean it's not a USA turd.
                    The same could be said about a guitar in mint cosmetic condition. It might look great, but that doesn't mean the neck isn't buggered, or something. That's the risk when you buy something without having tried it out personally. IMO, it doesn't look all that bad. It's got a few dings here and there, and it needs a good polish, but the bridge looks to be in decent condition, and I see no reason to assume there is anything wrong with the electronics (easy fix anyway). The bottom line is, you just won't get a KV1 for less than that. You might not think it's worth $900, but there's 20 people standing in line behind you who would gladly plonk down $900 for that guitar. I paid $650 for mine, but it had been molested WAY worse than that. The paint was atrocious, but everything else was just fine.

                    Hey, if I had $900 to spare right now, I'd be fighting Brooke for it.
                    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                    • #11
                      Thanks guys

                      I'm going to think about it over coffee.

                      I might just offer him 800.

                      But ya, I'll take a look at the fretwork before I do that..


                      • #12
                        Worth every penny of $900.00, throw some emg's in it and sharpie out the buttstain sig and send that bitch to hell!
                        USA Doublerhoads Custom Shop
                        USA King V Custom Shop X Series


                        • #13
                          Like I said dude, if you don't take it let me know. I've been wanting a refin project like this and have lusted after a KV1 for years Seriously, PM me if you dont go for it.
                          - Adam


                          • #14
                            First are you sure it was re fretted or perhaps he meant the frets were dressed or crowned. Big difference there. Next, that is a black guitar and I see more finger prints and smudges than anything. To really see the extent of the dings I'd have him clean it off and re-send some pix. The tips and larger chips are visible but the face of the guitar needs a cleaning to acertain for shure what shape its in. Rusty screws are no biggie. If the face is clean offer him less than $800 and maybe he'll meet you at $800 0r less


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                              First are you sure it was re fretted or perhaps he meant the frets were dressed or crowned. Big difference there. Next, that is a black guitar and I see more finger prints and smudges than anything. To really see the extent of the dings I'd have him clean it off and re-send some pix. The tips and larger chips are visible but the face of the guitar needs a cleaning to acertain for shure what shape its in. Rusty screws are no biggie. If the face is clean offer him less than $800 and maybe he'll meet you at $800 0r less
                              Good idea..

