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PC-1 or Soloist SL2H?

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  • PC-1 or Soloist SL2H?

    Which would you pick and why? I'm jonesing for both. Yeah, I know I have to try them both, but there aren't any stores close by for me to get to. I think I'd have to either go down to Long Island to the Music Zoo or cross my fingers the East Coast Music Mall has something.


  • #2
    Just my opinion but I would love to have another PC1 since I have way too many SL2H's and no PC1's. I owned four PC1's in the past but I was stupid and got rid of 'em all.
    "The BLUES is the tonic for what ails ya."


    • #3
      I would get a PC1. I like the oiled neck rather than the painted glossy neck. What would be cool is a Neck-Thru PC1 with oiled neck and strathead.


      • #4
        well, i have both and while i LOVE the PC-1's, i gig my soloist A LOT more, so i'd prolly get another SL2H.

        some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

        some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

        and finally....

        i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


        • #5
          As I said, I keep going back and forth. I'm probably selling a 10-string Bich I have so I'll have more than enough to get what I want. This is giving me super, mega GAS right now:

          Although, I DO prefer the 2 HB configuration and really have no use for a sustainer.... hmm..


          • #6
            Two very different beasts.. get whichever guitar has the best features for you.
            "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


            • #7


              • #8


                • #9
                  I prefer the Soloist because:
                  - gloss neck, I don't like satin finish or oiled necks
                  - thinner neck, I don't mind a thicker neck, but the PC1's are too thick
                  - neck thru, PC1 has a big chunky heel. If you have big hands and can easily reach the upper frets on the PC1 good for you
                  - in short PC1's look cool but they are not very ergonomic compared to other super strats.


                  • #10
                    SL2H's are easier to find, have more choice of finish, and usually cheaper than PC1's. I prefer neckthru and HH configs too.
                    Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                    "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                    • #11
                      SL2H - the PC1 neck is too big for me and the sustainer is a cool toy (to start with at least!) but it's prone to problems.
                      Popular is not the same as good
                      Rare is not the same as valuable
                      Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                      • #12
                        I can't deal with bolt-ons so that would decide it for me.

                        Any pictures of your Bich we can see?


                        • #13
                          This would be an easy choice if they made USA Select Soloists in Chlorine (old analyne finish of course), Solar, and Redrum.


                          • #14
                            Easily, the SL2H!
                            Jackson SL2H (nebula) '08
                            Gibson Les Paul Standard (ebony) '03
                            Marshall JCM800 50W + Marshall 2x12


                            • #15
                              This is really a matter of personal preference, but it's also fun, so let's do it. Here are my pros & cons for each:

                              Pros: Cheaper, more finishes, can get black hardware, 2H layout doesn't get in the way of picking, thinner neck, inlays, better upper fret access

                              Cons: glossy finished neck

                              Pros: Strat head, superb quality, fun Sustainer, prettier finishes

                              Cons: Middle pickup in way of picking & can't be lowered, Sustainer has limited utility & is prone to problems/very difficult to get repaired, cluttered controls, more $, gold hardware, needs batteries

                              Overall, I'd get the PC1. I had one and foolishly sold it. Even though I disliked the gold hardware and the middle pickup in my way, and I didn't have any real use for the Sustainer, I still want one again. It had a quality feel that I just loved, and I love the looks of a Jackson Strat head.

