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NGD - 'relic'ed 1991 USA Fusion

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  • NGD - 'relic'ed 1991 USA Fusion

    Posted a while ago how I bought this off the bay for 550 because I wanted something with a floyd to mess around with and I figure if I didn't like it I could resell it and not make a huge loss. It arrived today.

    It's very road-worn - covered in grime and dust in the usual bits, and a few chunks taken out in the side. Still in perfect working order, though.

    There's a pickguard installed to cover up the rout, and an EMG81 with vol/tone and an Afterburner circuit installed. Not a huge fan of actives, but it's okay.

    JT-590 has a lot of dust and grime on it. I'll have to clean that up eventually.

    Neck feels really great (it's broken in, and has that nice worn look on the back) and you can see the wear on the fretboard. That'll have to be cleaned too.

    Haphazard strings and headstock, which surprisingly has no dings on it. Very nice MOP logo, too.

    I really love the short scale and neck on this, so I was thinking of grabbing a replacement body from Mojo routed for a recessed OFR, one hum and one volume - stick a Duncan or something in there (I was thinking a Custom 5 or A2Pro, not too high output) and a Gotoh FR and it'd be really rocking. Have it painted like one of these, too - I'm leaning towards the center one. What do you guys think?

  • #2
    i really like as is , i wouldnt paint it or replace it. it has loads of mojo if you dont want it il have it
    Say, I smell bacon.Does anyone else smell bacon?
    Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type.


    • #3
      With that headstock being in such good shape, I'd consider a refin of just the body.
      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
      - Ken M


      • #4
        I like it very much the way it is. If you'd refin I'd go for black again.

        I'm not feeling any of the mock-ups you posted, but if you like it.. it's your guitar
        "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


        • #5
          That 'wear' you mention on the fingerboard looks more like grime/gunk/smegma/sweat from the previous owner playing it without washing his hands. On guitars I've received like that, I've found that Naptha gets this gunk off well. You can buy this in the paint section of most hardware stores. After cleaning, recondition the ebony board with some good fingerboard conditioner/oil.


          • #6
            I really like the all white with black stripe. A body from Mojo means you would still have the original body later on down the line. Pretty good score!!! Most of the "aged" look will clean up quite easily.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Axewielder View Post
              With that headstock being in such good shape, I'd consider a refin of just the body.
              I kinda was thinking on that, but the pickguard and the Fusion contour just don't mesh with me - it's noticeable close that it doesn't follow the scallop. Also, I want a single hum, single knob body so there aren't any extraneous holes left behind - preferably in mahog, too.

              Originally posted by MountainDog View Post
              That 'wear' you mention on the fingerboard looks more like grime/gunk/smegma/sweat from the previous owner playing it without washing his hands. On guitars I've received like that, I've found that Naptha gets this gunk off well. You can buy this in the paint section of most hardware stores. After cleaning, recondition the ebony board with some good fingerboard conditioner/oil.
              Yeah. I think rubbing it hard enough with some Dunlop polish should get it out - not a problem there.

              Originally posted by ulijdavid View Post
              I really like the all white with black stripe. A body from Mojo means you would still have the original body later on down the line. Pretty good score!!! Most of the "aged" look will clean up quite easily.
              Yeah, I'm thinking of flogging the body, pickup, trem and stuff to recoup some cash. The neck is perfect as it is.


              • #8
                splitting up a USA neck and body = bad mojo
                "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                - Ken M


                • #9
                  "Mojo" mumbojumbo aside, you wouldn't get much for the body since it has to have the 24 fret shortscale neck, and those are hard to find.
                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Extant View Post
                    Yeah. I think rubbing it hard enough with some Dunlop polish should get it out - not a problem there.
                    if you mean the dunlop 65 spray cleaner, i wouldn't recommend that for fretboards; it's a finish polish. the best way to get that crap off of there is by removing the strings, and gently scraping off the majority of the jaweah with a single edge razor blade, then hit it with some 0000 steel wool (go with the grain, as ebony scratches easily) then oil the fretboard.

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sully View Post
                      if you mean the dunlop 65 spray cleaner, i wouldn't recommend that for fretboards; it's a finish polish. the best way to get that crap off of there is by removing the strings, and gently scraping off the majority of the jaweah with a single edge razor blade, then hit it with some 0000 steel wool (go with the grain, as ebony scratches easily) then oil the fretboard.


                      I tried scrubbing the gunk with a polish cloth, though. It seems to be coming off relatively easy. Is lemon oil okay? I've heard it's good and I've heard it damages fretboards, so.


                      • #12
                        You'll be fine with some lemon oil and an old toothbrush.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #13

                          Yeah--that fretboard will clean up nice with a little lemon oil, let it soak in and wipe clean/dry with a rag, or a toothbrush as toejam said.

                          By the way, hi from GuitarsCanada!

                          How are the knobs set up?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Drazden View Post

                            Yeah--that fretboard will clean up nice with a little lemon oil, let it soak in and wipe clean/dry with a rag, or a toothbrush as toejam said.

                            By the way, hi from GuitarsCanada!

                            How are the knobs set up?
                            Volume, tone, Afterburner. Way too much stuff for me! I prefer a one-volume setup.


                            • #15
                              That looks like a sweet guitar...

                              I'd say go for Blue or white...

