Been playing guitar for 10 years now.., I started back in the beginning of 1998 when I first borrowed my friend´s cheap Squier strat and a cheap practice amp..
Now 10 years and many guitars and amps later I´m in the process of re-building my guitar collection to be stronger and better than ever...
My first experience with the Jackson PC1 in 2000 when I played a Solar in the local musicstore it was nice but too priecy for me at the time, a few months later it went on sale for nearly half price but I decovered it to late and it was long gone. Ever since that I have wanted to pick up a PC1 but never really came cross one for a reasonable price until now as I have just scored a nice pre-Fender old school PC1 Mocca from 1998..
I always wanted the Solar but when I saw the pics of this Mocca I knew this was the one for me, I scored it for a good price since the sustainer is not working(no DC responce). That´s really not a problem since I bought this one for the look and the great tones it produces so I´m gona throw in some other pickups and use it as a normal guitar without a sustainer..
I tried to do a lot of pics to capture the quilt top since it´s more than just see-thru black it has some brown spots also...

Now 10 years and many guitars and amps later I´m in the process of re-building my guitar collection to be stronger and better than ever...
My first experience with the Jackson PC1 in 2000 when I played a Solar in the local musicstore it was nice but too priecy for me at the time, a few months later it went on sale for nearly half price but I decovered it to late and it was long gone. Ever since that I have wanted to pick up a PC1 but never really came cross one for a reasonable price until now as I have just scored a nice pre-Fender old school PC1 Mocca from 1998..
I always wanted the Solar but when I saw the pics of this Mocca I knew this was the one for me, I scored it for a good price since the sustainer is not working(no DC responce). That´s really not a problem since I bought this one for the look and the great tones it produces so I´m gona throw in some other pickups and use it as a normal guitar without a sustainer..
I tried to do a lot of pics to capture the quilt top since it´s more than just see-thru black it has some brown spots also...
