I posted this on the Megadeth forum, and figured some of you might like to see it as well. Just got a trans black WR1 and swapped the hardware over...
"Most people on this forum already knew about the custom aged pickup mod I did a little ways back, but this time around I swapped the chrome hardware over from my recent WR1 purchase... this included, pickup rings (had to grind the one for the trembucker...used a file [PITA :snarl:]), Floyd, locking nut, tuners, allan wrench holder, output jack plate, knobs, all pickup ring and pickup height adjsutment screws, and toggle nut and cap.
Forgot to put the spring cover back on before taking shots :P (will have to see if chrome back plates exist--though I suppose that side isn't seen by others as often).

"Most people on this forum already knew about the custom aged pickup mod I did a little ways back, but this time around I swapped the chrome hardware over from my recent WR1 purchase... this included, pickup rings (had to grind the one for the trembucker...used a file [PITA :snarl:]), Floyd, locking nut, tuners, allan wrench holder, output jack plate, knobs, all pickup ring and pickup height adjsutment screws, and toggle nut and cap.
Forgot to put the spring cover back on before taking shots :P (will have to see if chrome back plates exist--though I suppose that side isn't seen by others as often).
