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SL 1 with no serial!!!! A true made in US???

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  • SL 1 with no serial!!!! A true made in US???


    I need your advice!
    I saw a Jackson SL 1 Lefty in a local shop. It has "made in usa" written near the Jackson logo on the head. It has all the features of the SL-1 model BUT, the serial is nowhere to be found!!! We check all the parts of the guitar but it can't be found! We only found the date of made/verification in the cavity of the floyd (at the back). It is from the 25/10/2004.

    So is it normal?
    Is it a true US soloist?
    It plays great and but I hesitate...

  • #2
    It wouldn't be the first Jackson to leave the shop without a serial.
    If it's not on the end of the fretboard, it was either never stamped, our the guitar was refretted.


    • #3
      You could use the missing serial number as a bargaining chip and get the price lowered.


      • #4
        Thank for the rapid answer.
        The neck is great anyway and I'm happy it's not the only Jackson guitar without an "identity"!
        The price is great: 1300 euros (instead of 1600 euros before I use my persuasion power!). The seller buys it new at 2800 euros some years ago!
        I'm gonna take it!


        • #5
          I have one without a serial number. Was the reason I found this oasis of information.

          Post some pics.

          Insert annoying equipment list here....


          • #6
            Originally posted by Black_Wizards View Post
            So is it normal?
            Is it a true US soloist?
            It plays great and but I hesitate...
            No, it's a lefty
            Don't hesitate if you really want it.
            Last edited by DonP; 12-04-2008, 05:36 PM.


            • #7
              I ordered a USA Select KV2 in black/silver dragon when those were released. It arrived without a serial number stamped into the end of the fretboard. Serial number was on the hang tag but not on the guitar. It had other issues so it was refused and sent back to Jackson but yes, it does occassionally happen. Just as a wrong serial number gets stamped sometimes too, but thats another story


              • #8
                I bought a brand new RR-1T in 2003 that also had no serial number, except on the hang tag.

