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CS Soloist price question vs USA Soloist....

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  • CS Soloist price question vs USA Soloist....

    I'm debating between getting a USA Soloist or going through the CS and getting one to my specs. I'm hoping someone with CS experience can give me sort of a ballpark price on this.

    The thing is "my specs" just aren't that much.

    Basically I want a soloist with just Hum and Single config, OFR, and a graphic (probably nebula). Everything else the same.

    I know it's nitpicky for me and I should just suck it up and get a regular soloist but I'm just curious as to how much the CS would charge for this without actually bothering them about it.

    Or should I just pay less, get a USA soloist with a middle pup I'll never use?

  • #2
    If you're just talking that you may consider getting a Soloist instead of a custom shop piece. Getting a custom is expensive and sometimes aggravating. When it all works right it is a very rewarding experience. If you had more changes I would say go for the custom.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jack Napalm View Post
      If you're just talking that you may consider getting a Soloist instead of a custom shop piece. Getting a custom is expensive and sometimes aggravating. When it all works right it is a very rewarding experience. If you had more changes I would say go for the custom.
      I know you're probably right. However, if the price difference was reasonable I would get it done my way in a heartbeat. If nothing else, just to say mine is unique.


      • #4
        Once you step up in wood changes, as in routing changes, the price jumps. Your definition of reasonable may differ from others. Get a quote at the very least so you know.


        • #5
          I would get an SL2H in the graphic you want and get a coil tap installed.


          • #6
            Just get a SL1 Nebula. But since you aren't going to change much a custom shouldn't be all that expensive.


            • #7
              If you're going CS, at least change the wood,,,

              I've heard varying stories about the CS models being made by hand with better care, and also heard that they are all made by the same people. So I'm totally confused as far as quality goes. HBut maybe there's a difference?



              • #8
                Originally posted by Bryan View Post
                However, if the price difference was reasonable I would get it done my way in a heartbeat.
                Sounds like you're just getting rid of the middle single coil? As silly as it sounds, the price difference will be very large for a custom shop order for that vs. a standard SL1 with that graphic. As in $1,000-ish+.

                Custom orders just don't make sense for small changes. Quite frankly, I suspect one of the reasons the base price for custom shop orders is high is to discourage these little niggling spec change preferences. Sorry, it is what it is.
                Last edited by shreddermon; 12-08-2008, 11:27 PM.


                • #9
                  I would just get the SL-1, disconnect/screw down the middle pickup, and install a three-way blade switch. The price difference is going to be substantial for a CS. Is the Nebula a currently offered graphic on the Selects? I don't follow these things since I can't stand graphics.


                  • #10
                    Expect to pay at least $3000 for it, maybe $4000.

                    If you're an EMG fan, get a standard SL2H and put an EMG 60 (single in a hum case) in the neck. I think Duncan also makes a similar "hum-sized single", though it would have a cover on it.

                    Or get an SL2H and wire the neck hum to be split at all times.

                    I understand that H-S has a certain cosmetic appeal, but quite frankly, given the price difference, I wouldn't put out the money on a Custom with such a minor change. I'd at least get a different body wood and/or fretboard wood, maybe even mahogany body with mahogany neck and ebony board with abalone inlays, unless of course you run across an SL2H-MAH, which was basically the same thing IIRC.
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