I've had these chrome covered Duncans Sitting waiting to be installed since last fall. Last night I had a burst of energy and finally installed them. They sound great (TB-5 custom bridge, SH-2n Jazz neck) and I like how it changed the look of the guitar to Chrome Overkill! The interesting thing here is the bridge for some reason is F-spaced, but the hole routed in the body is a little smaller than the pickup with chrome cover. It's like the routing is for non-f spaced or something. Anyway I got the pickup to fit with some gentle persuasion on the cover and using a rubber mallet to ease it in. As a bonus there is some great contact with the grounding paint so it's REAL quiet hehe.
Anyway, here is before...

And here is after. I'll try to get a better after picture outside in good light, I just don't have the time right now.

I have the TR cover off because I decided to go back to 9's after the pickup swap for shits and giggles and still need to re-intonate it but it's pretty exciting having an RR1t that looks different than stock.
Anyway, here is before...

And here is after. I'll try to get a better after picture outside in good light, I just don't have the time right now.

I have the TR cover off because I decided to go back to 9's after the pickup swap for shits and giggles and still need to re-intonate it but it's pretty exciting having an RR1t that looks different than stock.