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May Happy SL2H story.

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  • #16
    Great story bro glad to hear the happy turn out.

    I lost a shitload of guitars to the other end of the spectrum - Fire so I feel your pain.
    “The modern definition of "racist" is "someone who is winning an argument with a liberal”


    • #17
      Also weird, the guy above said he loast his to fire and the ad is up again. (Fire is the second one listed).
      I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mr.C View Post
        Great story bro glad to hear the happy turn out.

        I lost a shitload of guitars to the other end of the spectrum - Fire so I feel your pain.
        Dude, I'm sorry to hear that. Fire is TEN times worse than a flood becasue it happened suddenly, you probably couldn't restore anything after the fire, and also because it didn't happen to everyone in your city...just you were in that boat by yourself. I'm not sure how I would've handled that, man. Good on you for still posting here and stuff and keeping a good head solid on your shoulders.

        LOL @ JacksonGuy666. I sitll haven't seen that one. I either get the Guitar Center coupon, or the 3 secrets to playing guitar. LOL.



        • #19
          Hahaha. MakeAJazzNoiseHere: I'm sorry I keep bumping my thread right on top of yours. LOL

          I'm not sorry enough to stop doing it though. LOL!


          • #20
            Piney Hills New Site <------Clicky Clicky

            CALL THE SHOP @ 318.232.3002

            instock inventory


            • #21
              I saw that SL-1 posted by Jacksonite and thought it looked pretty cool. Glad to hear you got both Soloists ready to play, congrats!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jacksonite View Post
                No, dude, this is a HAPPY story!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by roodyrocker View Post
                  I saw that SL-1 posted by Jacksonite and thought it looked pretty cool. Glad to hear you got both Soloists ready to play, congrats!
                  That's what I thought until I actually saw it in person. It's not just pretty cool's friggin' AWESOME!


                  • #24
                    Awesome guitars, Jay! I remember when you got the SL2H real cheap. Glad it's still rockin'.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #25
                      Yeah ToeJam, I think you even posted in my thread when I got it. Back then, I really didn't know what I had; I just knew it was awesome.

                      And since we're on page 2, but the pictures are all on Page 1, I can't resist posting this one again.


