A few years ago i had to seel my 96 Eeridess SL1. And I miss it. Fast foward to a few weeks ago when i walked into sam ash down the street from my work. What do i see? A DK1 in eeridess. I checked it out on a few seperate ocassions. The guitar is a monster. Tone for days, plays great and the ebony board is as smooth as silk. The It needs a bit of TLC but that isnt anything i cant handle.
I ran the serial number on it. And its a 96 as well. So im a happy camper. The neck still feels like the same shape but since its a raw finished neck. There isnt any drag when the neck gums up. Awesome guitar. Even tho it didnt come with a case or a trem arm. It was a good price for a USA Jackson. btw. if anybody is interested they have a newer SL1 in trans amber burst for cheap. Just passin along the info the my JCF brotheren just in case.