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USA Kelly questions...

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  • USA Kelly questions...

    Hi guys, I'm looking at buying a USA Kelly in the near future. I have a couple of questions, though. I've read some threads about some Kelly's being neck-heavy, and also the volume knob getting in the way of the Floyd bar. What can you Kelly owners tell me about these things? I just bought an RR5 several months ago and recently a Demmel and I love them, great guitars. I've been playing Gibsons for the last few years and I recently got back into Jacksons. I used to have a Rhoads from 1985, but like an idiot I sold it a couple years later to buy another guitar, lol. Wish I hadn't, but what can you do, lol. I've always wanted a Kelly since I saw Rough Cutt in concert with Dio back in 1984. Anyway, I think the Rhoads and the Kelly are the coolest shapes on the planet. So, are the Kellys neck heavy, how do they balance on you, and what about the volume knob issue? I don't think they would be real big issues for me, I can work around pretty much anything, but just curious. Also, does anyone have a Kelly in metallic black? I think that's the finish I'll go with. Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Originally posted by MNash87 View Post
    I've always wanted a Kelly since I saw Rough Cutt in concert with Dio back in 1984.
    My first concert at the Forum (don't know what it's called now - the Staples Center?).

    Kelly's don't cause Marty any issues. I don't have any problems with mine, a KE3-DK1 hybrid. I wish I had a neck through, however.
    Last edited by DonP; 07-22-2009, 04:03 PM.


    • #3


      • #4
        Can't comment on the neckthrough models, but the two bolt-on Kellys I've had both had the top strap knob positioned where the neck plate would be. I had no problems with neck dive. The knob being there does cause a bit of "forward dive", which is easily remedied by applying the Rock Star Pose™.


        • #5
          I don't have nose diving problems with my Kelly (I thought the RR's nose dived more). The top of the guitar tends to want to tilt out over the bottom, but I got used to it. Also, a good cotton or leather strap helps keep the guitar in place. Those plastic ones like Dimarzios slide all over in my experience.


          • #6
            Kellys and Explorers dive. If they do it with slippery straps like the DiMarzio ClipLock (seatbelt/nylon), they TRY to dive, period.

            Grippy straps like cotton or leather merely transfer the forward pull to your shoulder. Gravity is always On, so the guitar will always TRY to nosedive. You can add weight to the body, but then you're pulling in the opposite direction. Either way, there is more pressure on your shoulder than there should be.

            You can relocate the strap pins to a better balance point, but that has been proven to be on the back of the body close to the center.
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            • #7
              I've been using 3" wide leather straps for a while now and they pretty much solved any issues I was having with guitars wanting to neck dive. (used to have a bunch of Explorers )

              They also distribute the weight of the guitar better in my opinion. With the 2" straps I would find that my shoulder hurt quite a bit after playing some guitars for any length of time.

              The ones I got are made by Levy's. I highly recommend them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Brian View Post
                I've been using 3" wide leather straps for a while now and they pretty much solved any issues I was having with guitars wanting to neck dive. (used to have a bunch of Explorers )

                They also distribute the weight of the guitar better in my opinion. With the 2" straps I would find that my shoulder hurt quite a bit after playing some guitars for any length of time.

                The ones I got are made by Levy's. I highly recommend them.


                I use Levy's straps too and I have no problems with my Ke2
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                Lefty Ke2 ferrari red w blk bevels
                Lefty RR1T trans black
                Lefty Sl2HT trans black
                Lefty SLSMG!!!!


                • #9
                  It was Chris that I first saw a kelly on as well.

                  The Forum is in Inglewood, Staples is downtown L.A.

                  Kelly's don't always neck dive, whether it will on you I don't know. If your gut ain't flat, it will turn towards the floor unless it is very low or very high.

                  I hit the volume knob with the bar occasionally. Don't sweat it.


                  • #10
                    I tried one out at Piney Hills and it was sweet, no neck dive, balanced well on me. Trem bar no issue. Now I'm just trying to decide on color, lol.


                    • #11
                      Is the Floyd a necessary for you? If not, you can find a used KE1 probably for the same or less than you spend on a KE2. No better guitar made...I've owend 4 of them. Then you only have one knob, one pickup and a great playing guitar.

                      I agree with Newc....Kellys do dive. The wider leather straps help a lot.


                      • #12
                        Well, I use the front pickup about 40% of the time so I'd like the 2 pickup model. I do want a Floyd, too.

