Went about 10 a.m. this morning, I couldn't stay long today, so these are pretty quick photos. I will say that, for me at least, nothing blew me away in terms of new stuff. Just not the excitement of the last few years with the reintroduction of Charvel/ EVH guitars, that kind of stuff. I was expecting something new from EVH, but nothing there(at least today). Just more graphics. I would like to say that the Learn/Lawrence stuff is really awesome. It seems like bringing on Mike has really made Dan bump up his work(which he probably enjoys, I mean how many copies of the same graphics do you want to keep doing), both of them are really putting out some bad ass stuff. For Jackson the news seem to be more for the inport line(which I don't follow, so I really have no info on). As was stated stratheads for Charvels, which is good news.