Assuming they finally decided to put Rhoads wings on a Soloist neck, I'd say the neck profile was that of an SL3, or maybe an early 90's SL Pro.
As for "the binding Nazis" - you said it yourself, a $2 junker has binding, so why can't a $1000 guitar?
For that matter, $2 junkers have more than one pickup

And on the subject of a USA 24 fret RR, It's my understanding that they made the WR-1 production model because they had so many Custom Shop orders for a 25.5" scale 2 hum Warrior.
The big question is: have they not received enough CUstom Shop orders for 24 fret RRs to warrant (ick! I said "the word") makign it a production model, or is it such a Custom Shop money-maker that they are keeping it a Custom Shhop Only model? If I was raking in the cash for them, I'd keep them wherever they were making me the most money.
As for "the binding Nazis" - you said it yourself, a $2 junker has binding, so why can't a $1000 guitar?
For that matter, $2 junkers have more than one pickup

And on the subject of a USA 24 fret RR, It's my understanding that they made the WR-1 production model because they had so many Custom Shop orders for a 25.5" scale 2 hum Warrior.
The big question is: have they not received enough CUstom Shop orders for 24 fret RRs to warrant (ick! I said "the word") makign it a production model, or is it such a Custom Shop money-maker that they are keeping it a Custom Shhop Only model? If I was raking in the cash for them, I'd keep them wherever they were making me the most money.