I think those are pretty damn sweet. I played the original not too long ago. I just may have to rethink my "policy" and snag one of those white ones...
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Is there seriously no new Jackson guitars?
Originally posted by sakeido View Post
A Phil Demmel sig? Machine Head was big about ten years ago and while the Blackening is a good album, they don't even headline tours anymore.
ummm..... you serious, machine head is still big, they have put out two of thier best albums in the last 3 years, and they are headlining a tour as we speek. I think the phil demmel model would be a great seller.
Let's take a look here shall we
Originally posted by shreddermon View PostWe have quite the short memory, don't we? (And even less business sense.)
"- a mahogany USA soloist without a Floyd. There isn't one."
See instead: ESP Horizon
"- a USA SLS. There isn't one."
See instead: Caparison Horus (short scale Soloist style guitar)
"-a import SLSMG 7 string. There isn't one."
You sound like a dyed in the wool 6 string player. What makes you so sure? Considering that the whole run of Ibanez 8 strings sold out and that Carvin has successfully offered a 7 string neck through guitar for almost a decade now would be some indication that there is a market for extended range guitars.
"--a import RR with no pickguard and no trem. There isn't one."
Actually, there is. It's called JS30RR. You may not want it, but they do build it.
You know what I meant here but instead chose to ignore me.
"-an archtop soloist of any kind. There isn't one."
See SLAT-QH, etc. for the reason why. And if you meant an import archtop Soloist, they already do the DKMG and DKMGT. Sure they're bolt-ons, but that's damn close enough.
Once again, the ESP Horizon, ESP Steph Carpenters, Ibanez RGAs, Schecters, etc. All archtops that sell very well. The DKMGs are not soloists.
Originally posted by anuske9 View Post
- courtesy of Matt
Idk about prices...
DOH! Crap. Why did you post that?! Now I have to go look at my bank statements.
Sweet!!! (2008 the year of no money but a lot of new toys)
Anyway I just wanted to throw in my .02 since there's a couple threads about this. (And everyone else has)
I as an owner of and fan of Jackson guitars am a little > < disappointed. Not for most of the reasons I have read in this thread though.
I’m not bugged that there isn't a whole lot of brand new body shapes, or variation of existing shapes and all that. What I am disappointed in is that Fender/Jackson/Gibson/whoever haven’t really seemed to do anything that was truly awe inspiring. By that I mean, there are a lot of really awesome paint jobs, but those could be put on any guitar really. No one has done any real one offs that are weird or out of the box or whatever. There’s nothing really that makes me want to run to a thread and discuss how cool it is or isn’t
Here’s an example, that weird V thing Gibson put out where the wings were pointed the other direction. As horrid as it was in my opinion at least it was something different. I'm not saying I think of that as a production model is a good idea. But it caused some buzz.. It got people looking at Gibson's site.
It just doesn’t seem like any of the manufacturers are really doing anything to create any buzz at all. It may be the state of the industry I don’t know (That would be for others on here to say) but I just don’t see anything so far that’s a “Must have” well except for the Phil V, that’s sweet!
I hope none of that reads like a slam or me bitching, not intended that way. In a perfect world we’d be seeing a lot of new things. As it is, we should probably be happy that our precious Jackson and Charvel are even being made. I’m just glad for the PD1(?) and the rr24’s.
(PS: If I’ve missed a photo of something that’s spectacular that defeats what I just said then let me know. I’d be happy to be proven wrong in this case)In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil
Originally posted by toejam View Post"- a USA SLS. There isn't one."
See instead: Caparison Horus (short scale Soloist style guitar)
Caparison is a Japanese company, though.
Originally posted by ZZB View PostThere ya go, one new model and everyone's pissing their pants.
Originally posted by hippietim View PostNah, you have a bad attitude because you live in the middle of nowhere
I was considering the same reply (for fun) but didn't see it adding value, but it sure made me laugh!
Not that this really contributes much to the conversation, but I have an import jackson (dk2m) and a US model (dk1) and love the quality of both, the dk1 more-so. Since my dk1 was made in feb 07, that would make it a fender-jackson product correct?"Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant." - on the back of the business card for Bella the Pomeranian
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Originally posted by stevoc View Post:ROTF:
Since my dk1 was made in feb 07, that would make it a fender-jackson product correct?Scott
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
Originally posted by hippietim View PostNah, you have a bad attitude because you live in the middle of nowhere
Yep, nothing to see here. No reason to visit. Just move along people...
Only problem is it will take til 2010 to get these new models in stores here...I'm angry because you're stupid
Originally posted by Confessor Townsend View PostThe Horus is a logical evolution of the Fusion and the Jackson Falcon (Itaru Kanno being the mastermind behind the Falcon and Caparison guitars). Having played both the Horus and various Fusions I still prefer the old Fusions.I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.