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Is there seriously no new Jackson guitars?

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  • Is there seriously no new Jackson guitars?

    Finishes don't count. Did Jackson introduce, in a year where ESP came up with about a dozen all new models, absolutely no new guitars? Not one?

  • #2
    Damn it seems like there is a lot of bitching about this...

    Get over it. That's the way Jackson has been for a while. When was the last new model introduced? The only recent one I can think of is the Morton model. They generally don't do well. When people want a Jackson, they want a Soloist, RR, KV, KE, or Dinky. So Fender goes that route with them...

    Kinda like KISS. No one wants to hear a new KISS song, they wanna hear 100,000 Years. So KISS doesn't do new albums. Makes sense to me...

    ESP is a totally different beast than Jackson...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #3
      The problem is not many people want those guitars anymore because Jackson's prices far outstrip those of any of their competitors, they have so few models that people just go elsewhere to get a guitar with the features they want (like a top end Rhoads without a pickguard), they have only one sig model that is relevant in the current music scene (the Morton), and a vast majority of their finishes appeal only to people who play in hair metal cover bands. And let's face it, no one under the age of 30 wants a Kelly.

      etc. etc.

      Speaking of KISS. The most successful member of Kiss, the only one who has managed to remain relevant to this day, is Gene Simmons, who did not just depend on Kiss merchandising to keep himself going. He recognized his strengths (celebrity, etc), used some good business sense and then moved into new niches to keep himself going, building up his business while the rest of Kiss sank into complete obscurity. Jackson has name power sure, but that will not save a shitty product line, and right now, their product line fucking blows.

      A Phil Demmel sig? Machine Head was big about ten years ago and while the Blackening is a good album, they don't even headline tours anymore. Kevin Bonds? Who the hell is he? Who is the other sig again? The Morton is the only one with any name power - the problem is, lately, I have seen Mark appearing more with his Les Paul Gold Top than I have his Jackson. He did a 5 minute interview with Mesa Boogie about his tone and mentioned his Jackson not once.

      They only need to take a minute and see who is actually getting press right now... Job for a Cowboy would be a good fit for a Jackson sig, Gojira would be a good fit since they are majorly hyped right now (a signature SLSMG!), fuck even get one of the guys from Coheed and Cambria in there or a hardcore punk band or something. You know, a genre that has a small amount of mainstream appeal (ie. not death metal).

      blah blah blha


      • #4
        But you have to understand, Jackson is owned by Fender. Where do you think a mojority of their budget is going to go? Jackson? Hardly. Fender brings in so much more money than Jackson ever has. They have no loyalty to the brand. None at all. Never have. But I bet one thing. Soloists and the like are still selling. Because if they weren't, Fender wouldn't keep them around. It's that simple. Fender isn't going to spend money designing a new shape for Jackson and building the prototype and marketing and all that for a guitar that won't sell. SweeTone anyone???

        The time for Jackson to do somthing like that was the mid to late 80's. I don't remember them coming out with tons of models each year then either. It's a nostalgia brand now. It's prime was long ago...

        I don't get what you're saying about KISS. Gene is a good business man, sure. But he's thought of as a joke in the business community. What money has Gene made away from KISS? All of his money has come from KISS. But I think KISS itself is bigger than it's parts. KISS is the makup. And the old songs. Not Psycho Circus, an album that struggled to get to gold status. Well, that and Paul Stanley...

        I'm sure a Gojira model would sell tons. You're bitching about Kevin Bonds but want a Gojira model? Which is what? Just another SLSMG or RR. Why shouldn't Demmell get a sig? At least he's been loyal to the brand. He was in the catalogues back in the late 80's with Vio-lence. So I have no problem with a Demmell sig. And you forgot Christian Olde Wolbers...

        When Fender bought Jackson most knew it would come to somthing like this. I'm rather surprised they dusted off the Charvel line. I figured they just might kill Jackson once and for all. But they didn't. Why? Because they sell enough to be profitable for Fender. That's it...
        I'm angry because you're stupid


        • #5
          I like the kelly! Oh, wait I am over 30


          • #6
            all of the "new" designs or different looking customs Jackson has turned out lately have been ugly as fuck (those Pablo cut models last year, blech), so let's count our blessings that they are sticking mainly to what they know.
            the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


            • #7
              Originally posted by sakeido View Post
              And let's face it, no one under the age of 30 wants a Kelly.
              Hell no, I'd love to get my hands on a Kelly, those things are bitchin'...and I'm only 17!

              Edit: It is pretty dissapointing that Jackson didn't introduce any new models at NAMM this year, but I guess I'll live. It would be damn nice to see some fresh models or even just different takes on thier predocessors though...
              Last edited by DethKing V; 01-18-2008, 01:09 AM.
              F13thVoorhees - Megadeth Forums and MFC.


              • #8
                Really wished Jackson introduced new, or even updated models. New Japan Soloists with OFR trems and EMG's anyone?

                Guess I will be going to Ibanez this year. One thing I like about Ibanez is how they change it up every year. Also, even the cheapest Ibanez guitar playes well. My first guitar was the Ibanez RG120, and I have to tell you, for the price it really was a nice playing guitar, but everything else about it was pretty crappy.

                I don't own that guitar anymore, but I eventually bought a better Ibanez (RG421), and man it was like night and day difference. Though, my favorite of all of my three guitars, also including a Gibson V, is my Charvel M1.

                The Charvel M1 is really loud unplugged, which I believe is a good thing for a guitar.


                • #9
                  My only whish is a USA Mahogany rhoads with a strings thru bridge

                  Bengal is right in this. If Jackson could, they'd build more sorts of guitars with more variation.

                  Just like I rent the house where I live in. I can't go paint the wails when I want. I got to see the houseboss (is that the right word?) first.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sakeido View Post
                    The problem is not many people want those guitars anymore because Jackson's prices far outstrip those of any of their competitors, they have so few models that people just go elsewhere to get a guitar with the features they want (like a top end Rhoads without a pickguard), they have only one sig model that is relevant in the current music scene (the Morton), and a vast majority of their finishes appeal only to people who play in hair metal cover bands. And let's face it, no one under the age of 30 wants a Kelly.
                    I'm 17 and would give away someones first born child to get my hands on a KE-1.

                    Funny though...The finish on my guitar seems like it could be used in a Poison cover band.

                    Anyways, I think we should all be happy that Fender is even keeping Jackson around, I could care less about new models or shapes being released, I think if Jackson would go back to the quality of their 80's pros...Shit would sell through the roof (Neck Thru, 24 Frets, Ebony). I highly doubt that's going to happen.
                    Originally posted by horns666
                    The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tho View Post
                      My only whish is a USA Mahogany rhoads with a strings thru bridge

                      Bengal is right in this. If Jackson could, they'd build more sorts of guitars with more variation.

                      Just like I rent the house where I live in. I can't go paint the wails when I want. I got to see the houseboss (is that the right word?) first.

                      I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                      • #12
                        I dont think noone expected a new shape...

                        Personally all i wanted to see was more options (i dont mean the new colours). Maybe more imports with maple boards, i wouldnt mind to see a slsmg7 ...

                        Well NAMM has not finished yet. Lets see what happens.
                        If your mum stabbed ya you wouldnt get upset... You would say ' Ohhh shit mum stabbed me! I better go to a hospital'. - Chopper


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Norton View Post
                          are you sure? Sounds a bit medieval

                          Thanks though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mournblade View Post
                            I like the kelly! Oh, wait I am over 30
                            JB aka BenoA

                            Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                            Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                            • #15
                              I wasnt expecting any radical new models, but why would I even be interested in $5000 custom painted NAMM models...I really don't care as I'd never pay that much. I like NAMM lineups that unveil something I can see myself purchasing in the coming year.

