I'm finally starting this project - been gassing for a firebird for a while. Some swamp-ashy goodness...
I've already coated the cavities with Stew-Mac shielding paint. Kinda messed up - I should have tossed a quick sealer in the cavities first. The ash drank the friggin paint! Turned out fine, but I 'would of' (fuck toejam!) saved a lot of paint.
Micro-Mesh is cool shite. After raising the grain a couple of times and knocking it back with the 1500 (400 grit) the wood almost felt finished. Cant wait to knok the finish down to 12000 (1800 grit!)
All nice and smooth - time for some color.
More to follow...
I've already coated the cavities with Stew-Mac shielding paint. Kinda messed up - I should have tossed a quick sealer in the cavities first. The ash drank the friggin paint! Turned out fine, but I 'would of' (fuck toejam!) saved a lot of paint.
Micro-Mesh is cool shite. After raising the grain a couple of times and knocking it back with the 1500 (400 grit) the wood almost felt finished. Cant wait to knok the finish down to 12000 (1800 grit!)
All nice and smooth - time for some color.
More to follow...