I know how to wire a pickup to the push\pull pot for coil splitting, but what physically happens when you pull or push that swithch to split the coils?
The two wires that are normally soldered together for regualar hum operation are soldered to the middle lug on the switch so I can see there is really no difference when you are running the pickup not split, but not sure what is going on when the switch is set to make it split.
I assume, that since you can use one push \pull pot for 2 pickups, that the switch part of the pot is totally isolated from the rest of it, is this right?
The other thing I want to know, how do you know which coil is active in the split position? Is it the one closest to the bridge, or the neck and can you have whichever one you want( other than by flipping the ppup around) ?
The two wires that are normally soldered together for regualar hum operation are soldered to the middle lug on the switch so I can see there is really no difference when you are running the pickup not split, but not sure what is going on when the switch is set to make it split.
I assume, that since you can use one push \pull pot for 2 pickups, that the switch part of the pot is totally isolated from the rest of it, is this right?
The other thing I want to know, how do you know which coil is active in the split position? Is it the one closest to the bridge, or the neck and can you have whichever one you want( other than by flipping the ppup around) ?