I'm still confused....fuggen teenagers.....
Lil' background first.
I had a PS4 I picked up a few years ago, loved the neck, but alas, I let my wifes cousin buy it from me. It's one of those 'I wish I hadn't sold that' type things. I told him if he needs anything done, come see me first, my limited capabilities might be of some use. He first put a Drop Sonic in it, no problem, nice lil pup, needed adjusted, and the wiring was done OK. This was by a friend of mine who works in a music store, but his work is sometimes questionable due to a habit I won't discuss.
Anywho, he had a problem with the bridge, the trem arm was coming loose. I told him it's probably the 'Dimebag' squeals he likes so well (and does them VERY well) and needs tightened up. Instead of bringing it to me, he goes to another guys house and this is the fix they came up with together:

I found him an OFR for $150 with no nut, didn't need it, but I did't have a router, and the cavity for the string lock screws was a HAIR short. I told him it needed routed around 1/8" to work. He goes to another friends house, and they took a dremel to it, ARRRRGH! They took out 1/2" !! Screw it, I charged him $50 for being a dumbass, and made it playable again.

Pics are a bit fuzzy, but you can see the 'work.' It was resealed with fuggen 'hooker' blue acrylic nail polish! I explained there is a difference between shit and shinola, and this was shit. (pardon my language, but DAMN!)
Now his boss wants me to work on a Platinum BC Rich warlock. Its a basket case, but I think I can make it playable too, even if it is plywood. Pics will come on it in a couple of weeks.
If your floyd bar comes loose, tighten the #!%$&@ up!
I'm still confused....fuggen teenagers.....
Lil' background first.
I had a PS4 I picked up a few years ago, loved the neck, but alas, I let my wifes cousin buy it from me. It's one of those 'I wish I hadn't sold that' type things. I told him if he needs anything done, come see me first, my limited capabilities might be of some use. He first put a Drop Sonic in it, no problem, nice lil pup, needed adjusted, and the wiring was done OK. This was by a friend of mine who works in a music store, but his work is sometimes questionable due to a habit I won't discuss.
Anywho, he had a problem with the bridge, the trem arm was coming loose. I told him it's probably the 'Dimebag' squeals he likes so well (and does them VERY well) and needs tightened up. Instead of bringing it to me, he goes to another guys house and this is the fix they came up with together:

I found him an OFR for $150 with no nut, didn't need it, but I did't have a router, and the cavity for the string lock screws was a HAIR short. I told him it needed routed around 1/8" to work. He goes to another friends house, and they took a dremel to it, ARRRRGH! They took out 1/2" !! Screw it, I charged him $50 for being a dumbass, and made it playable again.

Pics are a bit fuzzy, but you can see the 'work.' It was resealed with fuggen 'hooker' blue acrylic nail polish! I explained there is a difference between shit and shinola, and this was shit. (pardon my language, but DAMN!)
Now his boss wants me to work on a Platinum BC Rich warlock. Its a basket case, but I think I can make it playable too, even if it is plywood. Pics will come on it in a couple of weeks.
If your floyd bar comes loose, tighten the #!%$&@ up!