My KE3 has wires screwed into the bottom of each pickup cavity (it's HH) leading to ground.
What the hell are these things for? I've never seen these in any other guitar.
This guitar is noisier than my other guitars, and I can find no reason for it, everything looks to be wired correctly. But I don't know what these wires in the cavities do.
Could they be touching the baseplates of my pickups and causing unwanted noise? Sometimes you can actually hear your arm touching the guitar body, as if the entire guitar has become a giant pickup! It's really weird, and really annoying!
What the hell are these things for? I've never seen these in any other guitar.
This guitar is noisier than my other guitars, and I can find no reason for it, everything looks to be wired correctly. But I don't know what these wires in the cavities do.
Could they be touching the baseplates of my pickups and causing unwanted noise? Sometimes you can actually hear your arm touching the guitar body, as if the entire guitar has become a giant pickup! It's really weird, and really annoying!